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  • Yes, it's the racktastic ~Spexy~ I am a big fan of hers. I've also been in her room before as Titsrockfree1. I haven't ever ran into anyone from Freeones in her room. In my opinion, you should step up to the plate at MFC, become Premium, give her tokens only as a thank you gesture her for doing what she does. She's hilarious, smart and fun! Many other girls are zZZzzZZ on that site. It only takes one buy to become premium for life there. They aren't a flybynight org.
    Thanks, man. Passion is great, but it's great to see that reality and perspective still mean truth to reasonable people. When we lose that, there's no hope. I now see that Ulysses wasn't meaning anything ridiculous, but there's a lot of dudes who want to paint these 50 states as heaven on Earth or the Great Satan. Sad shit. When did thinking become a chore??
    Good to see you spreading the word about Merilyn/Anna on myfreecams - that was a great session last night.
    I have! I really want to see it too. As much as I hate artistic theft, I might check the *******s to see if it's there ..... if so, maybe i can balance the theft/guilt with a donation to Bill's Foundation .... whaddya think?
    Ahhh yes I remember you from my room. :) I'm sorry that you feel like basics get shit on. I kinda understand - most girls mute basics right off the bat and don't even give them a chance...but in our defense, most of the basics ARE beggars, so alot of girls get jaded. I personally don't mute them until they become so overwhelming that either I can handle them, or they start annoying the spending customers, BUT I at least always give them a chance. I have several VERY cool basic followers :) And thanks for liking my glasses...I just feel nerdy haha. I really should wear them more often because my eyesight is horrible and gets worse everytime I try to cam without them lol. Ah well. But you should make another basic account, so I'll know you're in my room. I do mute the guests, mostly because I don't feel they deserve to talk if they can't be bothered to even make a screen name to distinguish themselves, but yeah. Make a basic account if you can so we can chat!
    Oh, you betcha I'm a fan. Walking in the shadow of Randy Pan .... Bill was a prophet in the Old testament sense of the word, raging and howling as he came out of the desert, seeing the world how it really is; telling truths most can't stand to hear. This was my original sig:

    "My final point about alchohol, about drugs, about Pornography...What business is it of your's what I do, read, buy, see or take into my body as long as I don't harm another human being whilst on this planet? And for those of you having a little moral dilemna on how to answer this, I'll answer for you. NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS Take that to the bank, cash it and take it on a vacation outta my fucking life."

    but I changed it to make a subtler point when a couple of 911 conspiracy nuts showed up here .....:D

    Good to meet ya, look forward to seeing you on the boards ....

    "What do atheists scream when they come?" ... God bless ya Bill.
    I completely agree on our countries needing to stop bickering! We're neighbors - we should love each other! :D

    Thanks for being a fan :), whats your screename on MFC? That way when I see you around next, I can say hi!
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