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  • sorta. i was a combination of bored and busy. and.. thinking about it, i still am. a nap sounds nice.
    I don't much mind discussing my condition these days though it was a sore spot for a lot of years.

    I often find people confusing. I can usually understand why people react certain ways after the fact, but in the moment it's hit-or-miss. Sometimes I can pick up on minutia, but other times I miss the obvious. Nonverbal or non-literal stuff is really bad. This is a relationship killer. I tend to pick up on signals bordering on never and missing every signal is right up there with sleeping with a girl's sister. This all tends to make IRL social situations a bitch. Online I can take time and puzzle stuff out, but I still occasionally get muddled. My mind just doesn't always make the same connections that other people's do, and when it decides to opt out doesn't seem predictable. This makes things annoying because I always have to second guess myself about whether I'm dealing with a normal misunderstanding or whether my Asperger's is acting up.

    So yeah, it's weird. :dunno:
    XD ... Yeah. Positive. Asperger's doesn't affect intellect in any sort of traditional manner. It's... an odd sort of social disorder. Makes it tough to judge reactions, express emotions, and often makes you use language in odd ways. In my case, with that last one, I tend to be overly formal and have to go out of my way to make it seem like I'm not trying to write an essay when I post. That tends to get me into trouble on occasion since a lot of people interpret that as me being condescending.
    Nothing set in stone yet. I'll probably make my way to a few bars tomorrow, see where the fun is happening. Having a lazy day in front of the TV today.
    You're welcome, buddy. I'm sorry I can't explain it any better. Knowing something and teaching it are two very different things. Just because you know something doesn't mean you can teach it to others. :o

    Yes, I think you can say that about the genitive. :)

    And yes you can rearrange the sentence. But in your case you have to leave out "den": Die Frau gibt ihres Mannes Hut ihrem Bruder.

    Other options:
    Die Frau gibt den Hut ihres Mannes ihrem Bruder.
    Ihrem Bruder gibt die Frau den Hut ihres Mannes.
    Den Hut ihres Mannes gibt die Frau ihrem Bruder.

    There are also other options, but normally nobody would use those.

    We normally use the Dative first.
    I don't know if this explains anything to you, but I hope at least you understand everything I tried to say here....:facepalm:
    On the German wikipedia site is another sample sentence: Die Frau gibt ihrem Bruder den Hut ihres Mannes. (The woman/wife gives her husband's hat to her brother)

    Die Frau is the subject (Nominativ) - To get that you ask yourself, "wer oder was" (who or what) - WER ODER WAS gibt dem Bruder den Hut? DIE FRAU - WHO OR WHAT is giving something to someone else? THE WOMAN/WIFE.

    ihrem Bruder is the Dativ - You ask yourself "wem" (like "whom or who to") - WEM gibt die Frau den Hut? IHREM BRUDER - WHO is she giving something TO? HER BROTHER.

    den hut is the Akusativ - You ask yourself "wen oder was" (This is tricky cause you actually translate it to whom or what again) - WEN ODER WAS gibt die Frau ihrem Bruder? DEN HUT - WHAT is she giving to her brother? THE HAT.

    ihres Mannes is the Genitiv - You ask yourself "wessen" (whose) - WESSEN Hut gibt gibt die Frau ihrem Bruder? Den IHRES MANNES. - WHOSE hat is she giving? HER BROTHER'S.
    Oh fuck I'm not a German teacher, buddy! :o
    I could maybe describe it in German. But it's really difficult to translate things that you don't have. I don't know how to do that. Sorry.

    But your sentence is right. Both mean the dog bites the man.
    No, never even heard of it, actually. Now I must try to find it. Just did a little looking, it gets really high rankings overall. What's the over all flavour like?
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