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  • Pretty amazing stuff, huh? As for pushing her, sounds like she made a grab for the baby. She's lucky that's all he did. She could have hurt the child. Better that she ends up "taking a nap" rather than let her hurt the baby.

    Also funny how that one now says she doesn't believe in violence, and two or three posts before that she says if a guy pushed her, she'd cut his dick off and what not. And the guy should have gone out and bought some formula for the baby? I'm still trying to figure out what that had to do with the price of tea in China. :confused: So I guess in her world, Mommy gets drunk, grabs the baby and smothers it or breaks its arm, while baby-daddy goes out and buys some formula as the kid dies. And in court, Mommy is a victim of a "male dominated society", alcohol, pollution in the air and anything else she can make up... and walks free.

    Yep, that's modern day PC alright, as written by the FemiNazis of the western world. :facepalm:
    I wish that I was surprised... but I'm not. Not one time did either of them even mention the baby or his welfare. My cop buddy said that when he was doing road patrols years ago, the worst people to arrest were drunk women, because they had what he called a "princess mentality". At a certain point, most drunk guys would start to get the message that they were going to jail. Now, he's not exactly a small guy, so he looked like he could take them down if he had to. So the guys would usually just follow the routine. But he said women would often go nutso and try to fight him. Or act like they were special, so they didn't have to follow his orders. I asked him how he handled those situations. He said that about the time a violent drunk girl's face bounced off the hood of his cruiser, she realized that she wasn't special at all. :D

    I'm really not (all that) violent of a person. But in life, you sometimes find that some people just don't get it... until they "get it". Oh well... :dunno:
    And damn it, we should be able to rep visitor messages because that last one so deserved it! lol
    Hells yeah, man. Bluto Blutarsky ftw! I would have repped you for Honky Tonk Women but it's been too soon since the last time I repped you, apparently. Yeah, they need to get rid of the rep limits.
    Thanks for the shout out on the "member you'd like to meet" thread. I think you're the only one that mentioned me.
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