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  • Thanks for the rep, I wondered if my thoughts were a bit "out there" but glad to see I'm not the only one.
    Should I tell him about the mountain lions and panthers that roam the creek in the middle? lol
    I should invite hor-heys to go camping on my forty acres in the middle of The Big Thicket during the hottest part of the summer. :D
    Meh, just don't take anyone seriously, and remember everyone is playing a role, not necessarily being themselves.
    I can't help but think that neither of those will happen, though I'd like for either to. I'm sure you know he's complained about how people keep picking on him, and as far as I know, no one in charge gives a damn. The sad thing is that they can't do anything to make him answer or leave, outside of saying that people are within their rights calling him out on his idiocy. As you said, it may not be perfect, but it's my home as well, and I don't take kindly to anyone talking shit about it, much less not being able to back up what they say.
    I'm not going to let that happen either. Even if I didn't live in Maryland and wasn't personally offended, I still can't bear to let stupidity and gall like that go unnoticed.
    No, it certainly won't. He couldn't live up any more to the "worm" in his name if he tried.

    Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:
    One sure fire way to get a kid to grow up and do the exact opposite is to shove it down their throats. Maybe they wanted her to become an independent freethinker and just used reverse psychology. lol
    Thanks for the rep, she's a babe and she's obviously always horny, I mean damn, how the hell can you go wrong?
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