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  • I hope he does come back for those 3 posts!

    As for my post count, well I'll just have to wait until 22, 222, because I ended up ruining it before I read your message!
    Thanks for the invitation DvC .. my you look sooo familiar.
    Greetings from Prague .. I saw Sarah Twain in Tescos today (no joke) this is such a small town. I'm off for two weeks in the sun tomorrow very early catch you later.
    DVC, thanks for the add!!... Love what you have done here with your Profile Page, I 5thought about all black.... now I wish I had tried it!! :thumbsup:
    So, you looking forward to the Beijing Olympics Dick?

    das ist sehr sehr gnädig von dir :) mal davon ab ist m12 gar nicht in meiner buddy - wie es scheint, mag er sowas prinzipiell nicht. nunja, schwamm drüber, danke fürs adden und ab geht's.
    Thank you very much.

    No problem for that.
    It felt really bad,because I look up to you.
    Cheers Mr.Nixon.
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