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  • Yeah, smart creatures indeed :)

    Well, you can post stuff in her thread too if you want. I'm sure Mandy would appreciate it and it's nice to see what others will put up :)
    It is a really good picture of her. And according to Mandy, there is a butterfly in that pic, and that while they were shooting there, she was surrounded by them and several kept landing on her. I guess they just wanted to be near her too :)

    No rush, and thanks for the complement :) I always enjoy reading what you write too :)

    Sort of, I try to give Mandy a week to post something, and it'll be a week tomorrow.
    Thanks for the rep :thumbsup: You're reaction is about like mine was when I saw it on her Twitter.
    No rush, but good to know you did get it :)

    Yeah, I really like her blonde hair too, and yes, your background pic of Mandy is showing up. However, their problem could be that they struck the "Hide User Customizations" button and need to hit the "Show User Customizations" button.
    I think most women like that kind of language during sex, once you've got to know each other well enough to know that you don't really think of her like that outside of sex, or that she thinks of herself as that, as some women are proud to be sluts, but it's that they enjoy sex like we do and not that they're necessarily fucking every guy they bump into. I think they're called "ethical sluts," because they have higher standards than most people think of a slut having for a sexual partner and won't cheat on whoever they're with.

    You're welcome, and it's good to know that we both understand that while we do enjoy writing back and forth, real life still has to come first and that it may take some time to respond.
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