Excellent cunting, my friend. But you didnt cunt my cuntion! I cunt you a simple cunting cuntion and you have to cunt all cuntiological on me. I never cunt a good cunting but I ask you what cunt it is and you tell me how cunts are made! WHEW!
So I was cunting around on the net the other cunt, and staring at cunts.. you know, little cunts, big gaping cunts.. cunting cunts and such. And it happens to everyone. You click on something and BOOM. Cunterage cunt. Right there, showing their cuntle cunts to you. In the middle of old cunty, smelly cunts and young tender cunts.. cunt-age cunts. I cunted down the page, cunted back up.. wondered if his accunt had been cunted by cunters.. cunted his cuntfile and saw his usual stuff included 30-somethings.. cunted on the appropriate button and boom. His cunty gallery was cunted 10 cuntets later.
I can cunterstand cunting credit cunts and cuntity theft.. but why hicunt an accunt to post cids? Are the cunty old men that cuntgry?