Oh Torre...if your hands weren't so delicately soft and didn't feel like the silken hands of Jesus himself when you cradled my scrotum, I might take that to heart and get offended that you think I'm only "sorta" funny. But, since the first thing I do when I roll out of bed every morning is yearn for your gentle touch, I...wait...this is gay. Like, REEEEEAL gay. I'm talking Clay Aiken wearing a peach colored mesh tanktop and twirling a ribbon gay.
Anyway...what's up Ashleigh? My dad thinks you're HAWT. When I was giving him a bath last night, he told me that he wanted me to ask you if you would meet up with him at Taco Bell so you two could get to know one another over a couple of Gordita Supremes and some small sodas. He's got a coupon, so he'll take care of the tab. Anyway, let me know so I can tell him. Byeeeeeeee! :wave: