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  • :hatsoff:

    Why hardly it was an effort conveyed of simple courtesy, good sir! :)

    Prolly being a derogatory term for women and this being a porn site with a lot of women, they don't want that word used? :dunno:
    Seven or so different variations of the N word. I don't feel like getting Freeones on Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton's radar, so I edited... :hatsoff:
    Oh! I kept thinking by the number of stars and giving the letters shown all I could think of at the moment. Well damn. That's a real fucking cunt of a asshole s****er if you ask me! Damn sons of bitches!
    I didn't until I made that post! I will write into Dr. Phil and see if he figures it out to be true or not.
    Like I said, he will be so scared his bodily functions are no longer working correctly and it will just want to hurry up and shit out of fear! Yeah. Ask a Japanese anime/manga person. I'm sure they know a little something about that kind of weird stuff. :hatsoff:

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