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  • I remember Bischoff.... I always jokingly called him Bitch off.

    No less, I watched a few, yet I find myself enjoying UFC nowadays than I do wrestling. Wrestling has lost its flair any more. It has become nothing more than a lousy soap opera in a wrestling ring.
    Vince seems to be a diva nowadays. To go by his standards is going towards disaster.

    Wrestling is horrible for the most part nowadays. I found TNA is what WCW used to be. Back when I watched it when Goldberg showed up on the Saturday Night WCW Fever, Sting and the NWO was still "little" and just, all in all, good times.
    I remember when Raven from WCW went to ECW. That's the basics of how far I go back to the last time I watched wrestling...
    I always liked ECW back in its obscured days.

    However, upon research of this Francine you speak of... I shall declare: HOT DAMN!

    Glad the sig I made for you is getting you dates on the weekends :D

    It has been a long time since I watched wrestling, therefore, I have no idea who Francine is. I do however remember when Dawn Marie and Stacy Keibler was around. Along with a few others.
    Now you are telling me what it will pertain! Go on.... tell me! Tell me, bitch!!!! Let me know what it is you want!
    I won't be used!!!!

    I'm not some sex toy you can come to whenever you are feeling lonely and have your naughty ways with!
    I see I am nothing but a piece of man meat to you then, huh!?

    Fine then! I guess I will make a thread about our night together last week!? Maybe that will get your attention and keep it and teach you how to keep up with details!? :mad:
    Yeah, yeah.... I will provide photos and all that sort. I'll have it to you ASAP. Also I will provide you a new avatar that doesn't look so sucky :D
    Look at you motherfucker! Insult me with all them gifs/images and then you have the fucking balls to ask me to work on your next sig!?

    Shit! You just got yours situated and now you want to change it after all that bitching you went on about it not working. Damn! Motherfucker you! :hatsoff:
    You think I don't know what you are doing!? Desperately trying to find a quirky image to hotlink to my page and so on and so forth.... tsk tsk...

    Tsk, tsk, man!!!
    At this point it looks like you are coming on to me and basically want to have your way with me....

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