Trump delivered NONE of the priomises he made for his first 100 days

Trump has accomplished nothing he promised in first 100 days contract

It’s starting to look like we should sue Donald Trump for breach of contract. Early Friday, Trump wrote a whiny tweet complaining about the “ridiculous standard of the first 100 days” and how no matter what he did during these first three months, the media would “kill” him over it.
Except Trump himself, in a widely covered moment in his campaign, just weeks before the election, issued a plan, he called it a “contract” actually, on all that he guaranteed he would accomplish in his first 100 days in office.

In the title of the contract, in the closing of the contract, he ensured that he would introduce 10 sweeping pieces of legislation that would set him apart and restore the government back to the people.
Guess how much of it he has accomplished? Most of it? Nah. Half of it? Nah. Some of it? Nah, Any of it? Nah.

Maybe he has problems with his memory? Maybe he lies so much that he sincerely can’t keep up with the sheer volume of lies he’s told? Maybe Co-President Bannon actually wrote the plan for Trump’s first 100 days in office and Trump never even knew it existed?
Whatever the case, the media or the masses didn’t impose this “ridiculous standard” on Trump of what he’d get done in his first 100 days in office — he did that. He set that bar where he set it and by his own standards, he has failed and failed miserably.
He has breached his contract with the American people — which is about the most Donald Trump thing Donald Trump could ever do. Just weeks ago a judge approved the settlement for Trump to pay $25 million back to the people he defrauded through Trump University for not upholding his contract with them.

This is who Trump is — all golf and no action. Not that it is surprising, but the man is clearly in way over his head and has no earthly idea what he’s doing.
He is floundering around, getting nothing done, falling back on his own basic commitments, and it now seems he can’t even remember making them.

I would laugh if it was all a big joke, but it isn’t. What this man does and doesn’t do actually matters, but he is fundamentally clueless.
More than ever, I’m convinced if someone could run against him tomorrow, anyone at all, that a huge percentage of the 63 million people who were duped into voting for this man would go in a new direction.

I strongly disagree with the conclusion of the article : Etablishment candidates like Hillary would still lose to Trump because people would still favor any outsider to an establishment candidate.

But the rest of the article nailed it : He promised a lot and delivered nothing. He's whining at the medias for judging on standarts he calls stupid but he himself set these standarts.
Trump is a business man who is dishonest, has no respect for the law, has screwed countless people and who puts money before anything else. And that's the guy a large part of America voted for. It's like they collectively suffered brain damage and agreed to pick the worst candidate just for shits and giggles.
Trump is a business man who is dishonest, has no respect for the law, has screwed countless people and who puts money before anything else. And that's the guy a large part of America voted for. It's like they collectively suffered brain damage and agreed to pick the worst candidate just for shits and giggles.

Link to the countless people he has screwed over?

That would make for a few good political ads against him. Why didn't we see any of the countless people tell their story?

No we picked the lesser of two evils. And Hillary Clinton is a lying, entitled, self serving criminal who played fast and loose with classified documents and with the truth.

She endangered national security with keeping a private server in her home with the intention of circumventing FOIA requests and to eliminate her use of a political office in a "pay for play " becoming traceable.

The American people in 30 states showed great wisdom in rejecting this woman. If you like her so much, change the Dutch constitution to allow her to run as your leader and watch her bring in the jihadis there like she wanted to do here .


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Trump is a business man who is dishonest, has no respect for the law, has screwed countless people and who puts money before anything else. And that's the guy a large part of America voted for. It's like they collectively suffered brain damage and agreed to pick the worst candidate just for shits and giggles.

As opposed to that model of honesty and integrity Hillary Clinton. 5 months of crying yourselves to sleep. When are you going to get over it? And besides, wouldn't you prefer that Trump did not carry through with his promises?
As opposed to that model of honesty and integrity Hillary Clinton. 5 months of crying yourselves to sleep. When are you going to get over it? And besides, wouldn't you prefer that Trump did not carry through with his promises?

When are you going to get over it? I should've thought of that that these last eight years when conservatives were always bitching and moaning about Obama. Hell he's been out of office 4 months and they're still bitching about him. And why does every conversation about Trump always turn to "yeah but what about Obama/Clinton?" When are you going to get over it? Clinton lost. Trump won. Stop the deflection
When are you going to get over it? I should've thought of that that these last eight years when conservatives were always bitching and moaning about Obama. Hell he's been out of office 4 months and they're still bitching about him. And why does every conversation about Trump always turn to "yeah but what about Obama/Clinton?" When are you going to get over it? Clinton lost. Trump won. Stop the deflection

Obama spent 8 years blaming Bush for every thing

Presidents are elected for their legacy as much if not more so than what they do in an active administration.

Obama sucked, we are paying a price for his feckless leadership and we will continue to remind people of that fact for years to come.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Bitching and moaning about policies. Not taking to the streets an refusing to accept how we elect our leaders.

And why does a Trump conversation turn to Obama/Clinton? Because it is fair to make comparisons.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Stockholm Syndrome in full effect.

Guys, quit trying to enlighten those who are still hostage.

The healing can only begin when they are free.
Luckily I don't have to get over anything because I'm not American. You can have your Trump while the rest of the world laughs at the US for having a retard as president.
Luckily I don't have to get over anything because I'm not American. You can have your Trump while the rest of the world laughs at the US for having a retard as president.

We don't give a shit what the rest of the world laughs at. We're in stitches at mass Muslim migration, Londonistan, and a fat chancellor, and Greek economy.

Only a retard would consider a man who has made billions and won the premier political office in the world with zero prior political experience a "retard".

Go get a cushion or some cream for your butthurt. It's gonna be a long 8 years for you.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
And why does a Trump conversation turn to Obama/Clinton? Because it is fair to make comparisons.
When all one has are these deflections, it's a tacit concession to the original charge.

So when this is said:
Trump is a business man who is dishonest, has no respect for the law, has screwed countless people and who puts money before anything else. And that's the guy a large part of America voted for. It's like they collectively suffered brain damage and agreed to pick the worst candidate just for shits and giggles.

And your response has nothing to do with that statement:
As opposed to that model of honesty and integrity Hillary Clinton.

You're not disputing the original charge, and yet feel compelled to put on a defensive stance. Pro-tip: "They did it/are it too!" is not a defense. And yeah, I get it, most people do this shit in any given political debate from all sides. Most people are fucking stupid. I encourage you to be better.

Stockholm Syndrome in full effect.

Guys, quit trying to enlighten those who are still hostage.
"Hostage" implies outside responsibility; we're in the age of the willfully misinformed.
that's the guy a large part of America voted for. It's like they collectively suffered brain damage and agreed to pick the worst candidate just for shits and giggles.

That actually captures the feeling pretty well.
A real shame his opponent was also severely flawed.
Never imagined we could possibly have a presidential election with two such repugnant candidates. A very sad state of affairs.

We don't give a shit what the rest of the world laughs at.

Yes actually millions of us do care what the rest of the world thinks. And since so much of what we do impacts them it seems to me they have every right to chime in.
That actually captures the feeling pretty well.
A real shame his opponent was also severely flawed.
Never imagined we could possibly have a presidential election with two such repugnant candidates. A very sad state of affairs.

Yes actually millions of us do care what the rest of the world thinks. And since so much of what we do impacts them it seems to me they have every right to chime in.

Considering those of us that considered our stature as a superpower was greatly diminished under O-Zero and your ilk and globalists didn't give a shit, then right backatcha.

P.S. Hillary Clinton didn't get to keep any of her campaign promises either.

So I'm good.
But the first 11 weeks of drumpf's presidency were among the most successful first 13 weeks in history!

Gareth Evans, former Australian foreign affairs minister and chancellor of Australian National University gave the most accurate and articulate description of this bumbling idiot I've read recently when he said drumpf is the most “ill-informed, ill-prepared, ethically-challenged and psychologically ill-equipped president in US history...Personally driven by instinct and impulse, unhampered by knowledge or judgment, he has led an administration, acting so far manifestly on the basis of postures and not of policies...While the commentariat is beginning to find some comforting early signs that the adults are regaining charge of foreign policy, anyone betting on this administration delivering consistent, coherent, constructive and decent outcomes over the next four years is making a very big gamble indeed."

Hahaha, burn you fucking simpleton.
Luckily I don't have to get over anything because I'm not American. You can have your Trump while the rest of the world laughs at the US for having a retard as president.
On that, you couldn't be more wong : because of the importance of the US on issues such as global economy or diplomacy, Trump's presidency will have terrible consequences all over the world.
Considering those of us that considered our stature as a superpower was greatly diminished under O-Zero and your ilk and globalists didn't give a shit, then right backatcha.

Well we could argue all day about that and never reach an agreement, so let's not bother. IMO our "stature as a superpower" took an extraordinary beating under Bush and has been in the rebuilding process ever since.

But I see how this works. When Georges (for instance) offers an opinion it's welcomed, even if I know you have to know it's factually fucked up. So essentially all this boils down to is that if a foreigner agrees with you their input is welcome. If not they need to fuck off and mind their own business.
But the first 11 weeks of drumpf's presidency were among the most successful first 13 weeks in history!

Gareth Evans, former Australian foreign affairs minister and chancellor of Australian National University gave the most accurate and articulate description of this bumbling idiot I've read recently when he said drumpf is the most “ill-informed, ill-prepared, ethically-challenged and psychologically ill-equipped president in US history...Personally driven by instinct and impulse, unhampered by knowledge or judgment, he has led an administration, acting so far manifestly on the basis of postures and not of policies...While the commentariat is beginning to find some comforting early signs that the adults are regaining charge of foreign policy, anyone betting on this administration delivering consistent, coherent, constructive and decent outcomes over the next four years is making a very big gamble indeed."

Hahaha, burn you fucking simpleton.

And is this expert analysis offered by an independent thinker or a partisan?

You have have been running around here making armpit farts and blowing milk out of your nose since November 9th.

And does your opinion as a lowly Australian matter to most Americans?

Not in the least.

What you had better get your mind around is 4 percent growth in the near future, a border wall, and mass deportations of illegal criminals.

An attorney general that will enforce law already on the books and America established as the premier Superpower once again.

By 2019 ISIS will be back under a rock and our economy will be booming.

All because the USA had the wisdom to reject a lying, self serving globalist criminal.

That orange simpleton has achieved far more in life than your sorry ass can ever hope for and he is going to be around for 8 years. The left have already overplayed their hand.

Saddle up snowflake, it's gonna be a long 96 months for you.
All because the USA had the wisdom to elect a lying, self serving globalist criminal.

Fixed that for ya.

That orange simpleton has achieved far more in life than your sorry ass can ever hope for and he is going to be around for 8 years.

Haha, right. drumpf inherited his success, the only thing he has achieved for himself is failure as a businessman, and now failure as a president.