" Trump could be performing abortions in the oval office as long as he tackles immigration we don't care".
Net illegal immigration is zero. Has been since 2009. You all voted in a circus clown because the issue you feel strongest about is made up. About 350,000 illegal immigrants go in and out of the country every year. Drumpfs wall is going to keep more illegal immigrants in the country than out.
Oh my!
The Pew Research study which you are spewing verbatim because if you had an original thought it would kill you, has been discredited for a while now.
Seriously, stop posting snowflake, the board is dumber because of you.
Haha, oh yes, that's a solid and reputable source you've posted there. When people are talking facts, you should just keep quiet, because you have no idea how to handle them.
I know in your world, any right wing talking head can say "no it ain't" and you're convinced, but the truth still matters to some people.
Trump's first "victory" speech tonight was AWESOME. Amazing..the butthurt will be strong with leftists. :clap:
:rofl2: :1orglaugh
MSDNC exists solely now to give comfort to deranged butthurt Trump hating snowflakes.
It also gives false hope that he will do something to keep him out of office.
Just today he trolled the left again by announcing he will separate and divest or transfer all of his interest in The Trump Organization to his heirs.
Man, it is going to be a fun ride with the guy at the helm.
Suck it commies.
Commies???? Damn I thought I was old.
he does not legally have to release his tax returns- probably should but I am always for the law
Any one complaining about the electoral college thing is messed up unless they did something to try to change it.
To get caught by it waiting for the other party to get caught by it is unfair
you cant complain about his taxes unless you wrote your congressman a letter and PREVIOUSLY made an effort to right a perceived injustice- to complain with out at least trying is sniveling cry baby stuff
Oh helllllll no. The red scare is and will remain never ending.
Except oddly when it comes to the KGB-trained president of Russia. Then it's ok. Even admirable![]()
Donald Trump won 82 percent of the counties in the United States
Think about that for a moment.
And Trump won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.
while democrats have tried to play by the rules.
as he finished those words you could hear a pin drop from the gallery. Then all those in attendance erupted into raucous laughter and the speaker gathered up his talking points and shuffled off the stage.