


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'm still not sure why I'm worried about gluten. But they (whoever "they" are) tell me that I'm not supposed to eat anything with gluten, or if I get Chinese take-out, I have to make sure it's MSG free. I have no idea what either of those things even are. But whenever they tell me not to do or eat something, I try to be a good Animal Farm soldier and follow their directions. From what they tell me, the two greatest issues in the world today are gluten filled food and misogyny. Some say that these are make-believe issues created by the Chicken Little forces of "weak kitten" political correctness. But I say, no!!! If we don't spend at least 12-18 hours a day focused solely on these two issues, the human race could easily cease to exist.



When I eat gluten free foods it taste a bit off and not as good as the same food with gluten... just my observation.

I really don't worry about the fads until there is proven scientific evidence.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck made some money off the Gluten scare. Wonder when her Ebola book comes out.




Only if you have celiac...such as myself...its horrible. Just horrible. I wish I could eat it again.

The article suggests that gluten is not the problem, and that some carbohydrates are what cause the gastrointestinal symptoms.

"But there is more to wheat than gluten. Wheat also contains a combination of complex carbohydrates, and the Australian team wondered if these could be responsible for the problems. Gibson and his colleagues devised a different study: they recruited a group of thirty-seven volunteers who seemed unable to digest gluten properly. This time, the researchers attempted to rule out the carbohydrates and confirm gluten as the culprit. Gibson put all the volunteers on a diet that was gluten-free and also free of a group of carbohydrates that he and his colleagues called FODMAPs, an acronym for a series of words that few people will ever remember: fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. Not all carbohydrates are considered FODMAPs, but many types of foods contain them, including foods that are high in fructose, like honey, apples, mangoes, and watermelon; dairy products, like milk and ice cream; and fructans, such as garlic and onions.

Most people have no trouble digesting FODMAPs, but these carbohydrates are osmotic, which means that they pull water into the intestinal tract. That can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. When the carbohydrates enter the small intestine undigested, they move on to the colon, where bacteria begin to break them down. That process causes fermentation, and one product of fermentation is gas. In Gibson’s new study, when the subjects were placed on a diet free of both gluten and FODMAPs, their gastrointestinal symptoms abated. After two weeks, all of the participants reported that they felt better. Some subjects were then secretly given food that contained gluten; the symptoms did not recur. The study provided evidence that the 2011 study was wrong—or, at least, incomplete. The cause of the symptoms seemed to be FODMAPs, not gluten; no biological markers were found in the blood, feces, or urine to suggest that gluten caused any unusual metabolic response."


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I believe a lot of these things ailments and sensitivities are from over-exposure. The more I've stayed away from gluten, the better I feel.

Is it real? You bet.


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Bronze Member
My older sister and my mother are both very food-conscious. My sis the most. Not only about gluten, she stopped eating anything with any grain products in it.

Last time we talked, I told her I love to eat justz fresh bread with cold roast in slices on it (Yeah, she is vegan, too). She said that she read grain products are something as bad as heroin.

I keep on eating pork and everything, just eat more vegetables and fruit alongside.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
There was a big study that recently came out that basically said unless you have a gluten allergy, the gluten free stuff is a bunch of BS. I wish I had the link. But I say if it makes you feel better not to eat it, go for it. Do what makes your body feel best.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Last time we talked, I told her I love to eat justz fresh bread with cold roast in slices on it (Yeah, she is vegan, too). She said that she read grain products are something as bad as heroin.

Considering all that he's been through and he's still alive, I'm beginning to think that it might be the heroin that's keeping Keith Richards alive. I would try some myself but I don't like needles... and my new high deductible health plan doesn't have the horse on the approved preventative medication list. Oh well. Maybe next year.
It might be beneficial for some but the fact is we as humans have been eating grains for a longggggggggggg time. Like Public Enemy, I don't believe the hype. Plus I love my pasta and rice dishes to much to give them up completely. All in moderation I believe.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Only if you have celiac...such as myself...its horrible. Just horrible. I wish I could eat it again.

The Mayo Clinic says that there has been a sharp rise of this for the past 50 years. They don't know why.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
The Mayo Clinic says that there has been a sharp rise of this for the past 50 years. They don't know why.

Over saturation and exposure. That's my thought. As mentioned, we have eaten grains since the very beginning, but its only been since the 1960s-70's since the food industry really changed. With today's crazy additives, preservatives, chemicals, I can see where this is all going. It's only getting worse.

Just an hour ago, I was looking at gum in the check out lane. I couldn't find any that didn't have the phenylalanine (aspartame) warning on it. It's creepy.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Gluten gets a bad rap, just like fat and carbohydrates, moderation is important but the worst offender is sugar and high fructose corn syrup.


Closed Account
vanlee1 said:
When I eat gluten free foods it taste a bit off and not as good as the same food with gluten... just my observation.
I know exactly what you mean. Several weeks back, at some get together we had 2 bags of Tostadas Corn Chips, both of them Calidad brand. One was a red bag and the other a white bag. We came to the conclusion that the chips in the white bag tasted OFF as you mention. They just didn't quite have the level of taste as the chips in the red bag.

Checking out the details on both bags, it turned out that the chips in the white bag were made with white corn and the ones in the red bag were made with yellow corn. We didn't think that should have made that much difference. Ahhhhh, but then I noticed what was most likely the undeniable culprit. The chips in the white bag were Gluten Free while the ones in the red bag were not.