"Free Palestine From The River To The Sea"

CNN dropped commentator Marc Lamont Hill on Thursday after he made remarks in support of Palestinian rights that some interpreted as calling for the elimination of Israel.

“Marc Lamont Hill is no longer under contract with CNN,” a network spokesperson told POLITICO.

Speaking at a meeting at the United Nations on Wednesday, Hill called for a “free Palestine from the river to the sea.” The statement, which many say refers to the boundaries of the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, is a rallying cry by several Palestinian groups, including Hamas, and is viewed by some as calling for the elimination of Israel, which currently occupies those boundaries.

The comments received quick backlash from some pro-Israel organizations, which pointed out that “from the river to the sea” has historically been used by groups actively hostile to Israel. The Anti-Defamation League condemned his comments, as well as the UN meeting, which fell on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

“‘Those calling for “from the river to the sea” are calling for an end to the State of Israel,’” the organization wrote on Twitter, quoting Sharon Nazarian, its senior vice president for international affairs. “It’s a shame that once again, this annual Palestinian event at the UN does not promote pathways to a future of peace & instead promotes divisiveness and hate.”

Hill, a longtime media contributor and a professor of media studies at Temple University, spurned criticism of his comment as anti-Semitic or anti-Israel. In a series of tweets, Hill argued that his statement was calling for a reversal of Israeli policy that he said was harmful to Palestinians, and made no reference to dismantling the state of Israel.

“I did not. I have not. And I would not,” Hill tweeted in response to a tweet claiming he called for the destruction of Israel.

“I support Palestinian freedom. I support Palestinian self-determination. I am deeply critical of Israeli policy and practice. I do not support anti-Semitism, killing Jewish people, or any of the other things attributed to my speech. I have spent my life fighting these things,” Hill tweeted.

I couldn't agree more with Marc Lamont Hill

Thank you, straight shooter for your honesty.

But ... but, this is only about Benjamin Netanyahu's policies.

The left doesn't hate Israel.


The liberals I know hate Israel, justify suicide bus bombings and lament the fact that they're no longer occurring thanks to that WALL. They also smell because personal hygiene is a borgeois concept to them.

Thank you, straight shooter for your honesty.

But ... but, this is only about Benjamin Netanyahu's policies.

The left doesn't hate Israel.


The liberals I know hate Israel, justify suicide bus bombings and lament the fact that they're no longer occurring thanks to that WALL. They also smell because personal hygiene is a borgeois concept to them.


High energy post of the week.


Hiliary 2020

I agree with him as well. I never liked bullies.
At face value it looks like a non jewish person who worked for CNN said something publicly that was negative about israel.
And CNN punished him.
Makes sense considering this is CNN:


However given the fact that CNN is in the business of lies and deception it's probably not what it appears at face value.
They may have told him to say it and set the whole thing up for some twisted self serving reason.
lol @ Nakba Day "The Great Catastrophe"

When the day after Israel declared it's independence in 1948, a combined five arab armies (with western mercenaries from the UK - FUCK THEM) invaded with the aim of pushing the jews "into the sea."

We saw how that turned out.

Lose wars that you start and live with the consequences.


Hiliary 2020
That's the story and theyre sticking to it.
Israel becomes a state for the jewish people, gets attacked by muslim armies from all over.
yet in 12 months while fending off all these muslims isreal somehow manages to destroy over 500 villages, take over 80% of palestine, and kill or exile over a million people.
And to this day some 70 years later they still continue to take more land by force and displace the people who live there.

And its all justified because they were attacked in 1948.

Doesn't sound realistic to me.
Maybe just maybe as soon as the UN passed the resolution the israelis began their attack on the Palestinians (who had no army) and began to displace people from their homes.
Ironically the same thing that the Germans did to Jews just a few years before.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
As things develop the way they do, and people of jewsish and of muslim faith do not get along so well, it is rather logical, that a solution for the constant stae of attacks and defences is not a single state- but rather a two-state- one.

And It would be unfair for the palestine state to have no stretch of mediterranean sea coast. So what Hill said is just what HAS to happen.

The key is, that the palestine government is still dominated by Fatah and Hamas, and those in power there still can't get to grips of acceptig the existence of the jewish state, and accepting the jews have a right to live, in many cases. And the people of the palestine regions live under their tewrror regime, as we must call this, so how could they get an administration that changes the path towards a solution, except the ongoing attempts to erase Israel?

The people of Palestine need to rise up and get rid of the Hamas and Fatah leadership, and the western world needs to stop handing money to Hamas and Fatah.
I agree with him as well. I never liked bullies.
At face value it looks like a non jewish person who worked for CNN said something publicly that was negative about israel.
And CNN punished him.
Makes sense considering this is CNN:


However given the fact that CNN is in the business of lies and deception it's probably not what it appears at face value.
They may have told him to say it and set the whole thing up for some twisted self serving reason.

And yet CNN isn't in the bag for Netanyahu. On the contrary. How do you explain that?
The liberals I know hate Israel, justify suicide bus bombings and lament the fact that they're no longer occurring thanks to that WALL.

My brother and I don't feel that way. Nor do any of our liberal friends or relatives.

Oh but I forgot, you don't actually "know" us, so that doesn't count :)

Time to log off now. It's December 1st and I need to take my monthly shower :)
Time to log off now. It's December 1st and I need to take my monthly shower :)

As I post this, it is not even December 1st in Tonga yet.

You need to save that time machine for more useful projects like seeing if you can go back to November 7th 2016 and have a talk with your fellow libs.
Time to log off now. It's December 1st and I need to take my monthly shower :)

*lol out loud*

I knew you'd get a kick outta that. I wasn't making generalizations but just an anecdote of an actual conversation with some local peace and love twenty something hippies concerning the State of Israel. And they'd be the first to admit that regular bathing was low on their priority list as my nostrils could confirm.

*LMAO ass off*
Netanyahu got Rabin killed. He has blood on his hands. I don't know how he sleeps at night. He'll get what he deserves

Rabin wanted to give back what was won during the six days war and during the yom kippour. But he was killed because of that and Arafat couldn't be trusted, if the Israelis gave back the Golan heights , they would have been attacked mercilessly by other arab countries. How do you know that Netanyahu got Rabin killed and based on which concrete proofs? Please developp. I also prefered Ariel Sharon and prefer Netanyahu to the sell out of Rabin. And people who have served in the IDF are mostly right wing people, and right wing people dislike leftists and pro palestinian democrats from USA.Ask yourself how much blood the Hamas, the Fatah, the Hezbollah and the Al Aqsah Martyr Brigades have on their hands and then we will discuss.


Hiliary 2020
make all the excuses you want but that country is run by racist supremacist psychopaths who get away with whatever they do because they are backed by the zionist jewish banking cartels who control the worlds money supply, own all the politicians in the USA and Western Europe as well as most of the media in the world. Unlimited resources.
They have been since 1918.
I know thats just a myth.


They are not the victims but the aggressors.

btw how many nukes do they have?