Zero Tolerance On Demand (rated: 9.5)


FreeOnes Team Member
Latest review, 2014-12-11 01:39:49
You really will not come across many porn sites that are as high quality and professionally realised as It has built up a reputation over a number of years for both its excellent content and its superlative website, and it is a reputation that it doesn't seem to have any intention of losing. If you haven't checked these guys out yet then you really must, and as a matter of some urgency.

Read the complete re-review or visit Zero Tolerance On Demand directly

Older review, 2013-12-05 01:32:53
Lovers of high quality studio porn, lend me your ears! Zero Tolerance on Demand is the kind of site you'll want to visit. features content with outstanding production values and big name porn stars. They really mean it when they have zero tolerance for bad porn. There is a huge amount of content here, and clarity on all of it is top notch. Prices here are very fair as well. There may be a minor negative or two, but nothing really bad. Two enthusiastic thumbs up.

Read the complete re-review or visit Zero Tolerance On Demand directly

Older review, 2009-06-24 10:50:56
Zero Tolerance On is an outstanding on-demand site that was always like to be excellent considering the studio that it is covering. They still really do get it absolutely right with presenting their videos so brilliantly and making the entire site so user-friendly. If you're a fan of this studio then you really should be a member of this already, but if not then take your chance now. What are you waiting for?

Read the complete re-review or visit Zero Tolerance On Demand directly

Older review, 2006-05-08 02:53:35
If you are into porn a little bit you already know that Zero Tolerance Releases are among the hottest porn releases that you can find on the internet and this site does not lie when it comes to the content! The only thing that I really did not like is that all the movies are protected with DRM. The search box is working really well and the general browsing of the site is very easy, clean and fast.

Read the complete review or visit Zero Tolerance On Demand directly
Re: Zero Tolerance On Demand (rated: 7.8)

Anyone know if you can still watch already downloaded DRM video files even after you have stopped subscribing to the site? Also, will they play in VLC player?
Re: Zero Tolerance On Demand (rated: 7.8)

Mymessages74 said:
Anyone know if you can still watch already downloaded DRM video files even after you have stopped subscribing to the site? Also, will they play in VLC player?

DRM is moslty meant to prevent you to be able to play the movies after you cancelled the memberarea so I asume thats a no for your first question. No idea about the 2nd question though.
Re: Zero Tolerance On Demand (rated: 7.8)

I'm bringing this thread back from the dead, I know.

I do have an answer to the question though. I was just a member there for 2 months and yes, the files they currently have can still be viewed after your membership is done assuming you save them.

Just thought I'd throw this out there if anybody else wonders the same thing in the future.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt

[NOBABE]1 pre-checked cross sale above the join button.[/NOBABE]




knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: Zero Tolerance On Demand (rated: 9.3)

zero tolerance rocks. they got good content and a good site.

ill recommend them myself. been there and i still buy their DVDs regularly.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Re: Zero Tolerance On Demand (rated: 9.3)

zero tolerance rocks. they got good content and a good site.

I'll recommend them myself. been there and i still buy their DVDs regularly.

Not anymore.

I've been a member of Zero Tolerance / Third Degree Films since 2008. The last few times I've logged in things don't work there anymore. All sorts of http:// 500 server errors are now occurring. You cannot bring up favorite models, favorite scenes, or favorite videos. It's like the webmaster is not there. Things are breaking down. The last straw was tonight. I went to view a favorite Julia Ann video and the related Julia Ann photo gallery at Ztod, an Ava Addams video at Ztod, another Amy Anderssen video at 3rdDegree, and a Nicole Aniston picture gallery at Ztod that I had stored in my favorites. A 504 gateway error kept recurring at Ztod. I went to put in a support ticket and after submitting it, it just buffers and buffers. Not getting any satisfaction with that, I cancelled my subscription with Epoch saying that the site doesn't work.

I think we have an absentee webmaster managing the Zero Tolerance website.
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FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Re: Zero Tolerance On Demand (rated: 9.3)

I think so too, I have been trying to contact them a few months ago a couple of times about some stuff and they never reply.

Hi Regina. Thanks. I sent an email to someone over there today. Not sure if that is the webmaster, or someone in sales. Anyway, I just repped you the contact name. The name I had came from within the members area of the website. In an advertisement for a "winning a free years' subscription" contest to the sites. Hopefully, he/she puts fixes in. Otherwise, members will see this public service announcement by you and by me and they too will quit both the Zero Tolerance / Third Degree Films sites if they don't fix this. The result will be that they will soon become ex-members.


God Bless Christian Louboutin
Re: Zero Tolerance On Demand (rated: 9.3)

I think so too, I have been trying to contact them a few months ago a couple of times about some stuff and they never reply.

I've been a Ztod member since 2013 and for a year or so I'd email them about fixes to videos and picture sets -- the site needed a lot of work when I joined. It seems, at least to me, as if they don't care. They used to include HQ picture sets with their videos but in the last year have abandoned that in favor of vidcaps (photo sets probably .add to production cists). My experience has been that the site loads very slowly. I have a very fast cable connection, so I'm not the problem. You would think a major producer would have updated their site, but not these guys. It's a shame, because some of my favorite scenes comes from Ztod


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
There seems to be a change of ownership over the last four months. The Zero Tolerance brand has been acquired by Gamma Entertainment (Netherlands) - seems that it is accepting new members plus it is a secure connection. You have to type the entire full name:


However, what's with all the other sister sites in the network? For example, Third Degree Films.

It doesn't seem to be around? I went there over a month ago, apparently all the photo galleries aren't working. Let's see if things have changed?


No change. I wonder if they're part of the deal?

If you try to go into (spelled exactly like that) off the Third Degree Films drop down box a http:// 404 page removal error appears ...



So at least the portal has been closed off; which is good. No viruses from the other sites. Totally independent from one another. But Gamma Entertainment hasn't done it yet "officially" with Third Degree Films. They need to put up http 404 page removal sheets any place where Third Degree Films is concerned. Close off the entry points. Unless they are buying them too? So they'll need to fix this. But until then make Third Degree Films not accessible.
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