Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Such as taking the time to read what anyone else may have to say?
I have strong convictions that more often than not (meaning more than 50%, meaning more than five times out of ten, meaning at least seven out of a baker’s dozen, meaning if it were expressed as a batting average it would be more than .500 [five hundred, for the unanointed]) that the viewer (meaning YOU) of a given thread posted in the "Talk" forum, as well as many of those in the "Members'" forum—though not uniquely limited to only those two forums in particular; there is one in the "Games" sub-forum that comes to mind—reads no further than the title of the thread, and perhaps—perhaps, I must reiterate, have read the initial post made in the thread (coincidently made by the very same person who composed the title of the thread which found your fancy sufficiently enough to merit your lavishly-sought out reply by your enamored, breath-baited public) and then proceeded to submit their own profound earth-shaking entry in all its naked beauty.
Has it occurred to any of those of the “read the title, make my reply, and away!!” inclination, that in a world—read “message board,” specifically, this one, the FreeOnes Message Board—of like-minded individuals, conceivably no one—absolutely NO ONE, excepting the creator of the thread (and that in itself is by no means a guarantee)—will be reading your weighty thoughts on the topic of the moment? And if that were in deed the prevailing sentiment, which you, as a seasoned practitioner "of" will be greatly cognizant "of" to the point of physical agitation, abberation of heartbeat and premature hairloss, then why even bother to make your reply?
Surprising as it may seem there are numerous replies that have been made that are worthy of being read, and worth the effort to recognize the thought and energy impressed to make that reply. I feel that far too often replies made in the “Talk” forum, and also in the prima facie “Members’” forum, most notoriously the “congratulatory” (which is emphatically NOT spelled with the letter “z” in any form anywhere) and the insipidly puerile “OTW” threads are nothing more than of the inspirationless, throw-away variety serving little more than to augment one’s post-count and to provide a venue for them to figuratively see their screen name(s) in lights.
However, not everyone who participates in the afore mentioned threads exhibits such indifference and callowness, and it is lamentable that their well-deliberated thoughts will founder unnoticed and unappreciated. Thoughts that were cogitated and assembled for presentation not exclusively for the personal satisfaction of the person making the reply, but also for the edification and, perhaps…. the amusement, of the prospective viewer, as a few of us, most notably, the creator of this thread, do appreciate and do recognize the effort of others.
This may well be about YOU, as in all capital letters and in bold-face type, just as if I were shouting, the next time YOU make a reply in a thread:
I have strong convictions that more often than not (meaning more than 50%, meaning more than five times out of ten, meaning at least seven out of a baker’s dozen, meaning if it were expressed as a batting average it would be more than .500 [five hundred, for the unanointed]) that the viewer (meaning YOU) of a given thread posted in the "Talk" forum, as well as many of those in the "Members'" forum—though not uniquely limited to only those two forums in particular; there is one in the "Games" sub-forum that comes to mind—reads no further than the title of the thread, and perhaps—perhaps, I must reiterate, have read the initial post made in the thread (coincidently made by the very same person who composed the title of the thread which found your fancy sufficiently enough to merit your lavishly-sought out reply by your enamored, breath-baited public) and then proceeded to submit their own profound earth-shaking entry in all its naked beauty.
Has it occurred to any of those of the “read the title, make my reply, and away!!” inclination, that in a world—read “message board,” specifically, this one, the FreeOnes Message Board—of like-minded individuals, conceivably no one—absolutely NO ONE, excepting the creator of the thread (and that in itself is by no means a guarantee)—will be reading your weighty thoughts on the topic of the moment? And if that were in deed the prevailing sentiment, which you, as a seasoned practitioner "of" will be greatly cognizant "of" to the point of physical agitation, abberation of heartbeat and premature hairloss, then why even bother to make your reply?
Surprising as it may seem there are numerous replies that have been made that are worthy of being read, and worth the effort to recognize the thought and energy impressed to make that reply. I feel that far too often replies made in the “Talk” forum, and also in the prima facie “Members’” forum, most notoriously the “congratulatory” (which is emphatically NOT spelled with the letter “z” in any form anywhere) and the insipidly puerile “OTW” threads are nothing more than of the inspirationless, throw-away variety serving little more than to augment one’s post-count and to provide a venue for them to figuratively see their screen name(s) in lights.
However, not everyone who participates in the afore mentioned threads exhibits such indifference and callowness, and it is lamentable that their well-deliberated thoughts will founder unnoticed and unappreciated. Thoughts that were cogitated and assembled for presentation not exclusively for the personal satisfaction of the person making the reply, but also for the edification and, perhaps…. the amusement, of the prospective viewer, as a few of us, most notably, the creator of this thread, do appreciate and do recognize the effort of others.
This may well be about YOU, as in all capital letters and in bold-face type, just as if I were shouting, the next time YOU make a reply in a thread:
No one is going to care about what you have posted, and thereby establish an evaluation of your character and of your intellect as well as other aspects of that which you have experienced and of that which has influenced your thought process as well as to gain knowledge of the world in which you live and of that which you may have in common with other members—aspects that you are anxiously willing to share with your fellow cyber-mates—because no one is going to read anything that you have said.