Your unique single favourite babe, if you had to decide and show to the world?


Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards
Out of all Babes (porn stars, centerfolds, adult models) you can imagine, who is your favourite?

You can name a handful, but then have to decide for one!

I know there are plenty of Favourite Babes threads and polls,
but make yourself aware of the fact: you now got the chance to add your answer also to this one!

It's all about this collection

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Otto von Bismarck


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
My unique single babe was once the last unicorn but she made a deal with a witch and was transformed into a human...The only bad things about dating her are she sleeps standing up still, she whineys when she wants something, and she has that horn growing out of her head which can get in the if you know what I mean.
For me this one comes down to the wire damn near a tie....Candie Evans and Sofi A.

Just one huh...ok Candie

no wait....Sofi
uhhh...Candie.......Sofi....Cand.....I wanna pick both!!! :weeping:

Alright bastard...I'll choose just one :mad:

Candie Evans :lovecoupl