Your porn collection

Just so you know...


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My Penis Is Dancing!
Baconsalt shows his soon to be ex-girlfriend (and future stalkee) his "special" collection.


"have you seen my baseball?"
And this is the video I shot when I was hiding outside your bathroom. The quality isn't great I know, but it's not THAT bad.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I have avoided ^ completely...Lemon parties too!

Did you avoid BME Olympics?
2 girls 1 finger?
1 man 1 jar?
1 man 1 horse?
1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish?
- "Hey honey, remember when I said it'll be fun to film ourselves "making love"? Well, look here; Arn0ld and some other guy called SpunkChuckxer think you look "hot" but they could "fuck you so much better than that pencil dick", ha aren't they funny? Now let's check out the comments on that video I posted of me masturbating over your mothers picture ... shall we?"
Oh Brad! how could you do this to me? I thought all those unique sexual positions you were getting me into were all from your imagination....I feel so cheap so used... :weeping::weeping:
Save the waterworks honey the lights are on but nobodys at home.