Your Favourite Cutscene In A Game?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
For me it has to be the death scene of Grey Fox in Metal Gear Solid, with the death scene of Sniper Wolf as a very close second.

NOTE: I will kill whoever mentions The Twin Snakes.
Although I cant say its my favourite but a death cutscene in a game I will never forget. Aeris death in FFVII.
The Final Fantasy series have some of the best cutscenes Ive ever seen.

One of my recent favourite cutscenes. Halo 4.



knows petras secret: she farted.
all the ff7 cut scenes were awesome. there's wasn't many, so they were extra special. now, i see games that are cutscenes all day.
Medal of Honor

If you haven't played this game and if there's even a remote chance you will this is a **SPOILER** to one of the most dramatic moments in the game or of any game I've played.

When all hope is lost ...

the cut scene
The cutscene knife battle with Krauser in RE4.
Dom going out like a badass in Gears 3.
Pretty much all of Max Payne 3.
Medal of Honor

If you haven't played this game and if there's even a remote chance you will this is a **SPOILER** to one of the most dramatic moments in the game or of any game I've played.

When all hope is lost ...

the cut scene

the mission where the Apache one of the MOST INTENSE missions i have ever played in a game!


persona non grata
The revelation of what really happened to James wife in Silent Hill 2. :bawling: