Your Favourite Console, Franchise and Game?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
For me it has to be the original Playstation, followed by the N64. My favourite franchise and game is without a doubt Metal Gear Solid. What's yours?
I have to go with SNES just alot of good memories there. Halo franchise. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past.
console - xbox 360 (favorite controller ever)
franchise - mass effect trilogy
game - mlb the show '09. countless hours in road to the show mode.
i want to say the 360 but i have had so much fun with EVERY console i ever owned,each had their own game that i was hooked on.
i would say God of War, i just hope i'm not saying that because of the new release. i did love all the wwe&wcw games for the N64!
any EAsports NHL hockey game.
I'm gonna say ps3, because I've owned every playstation console and I've always preferred them. I've got to go with madden as far as franchises go, I've been playing it since it was on sega genesis. And game is tough, but i'm gonna go with GTA IV. Really any GTA game is good, but the latest is always the greatest. They provide endless hours of entertainment.
360 is the console that I've really put my time in on, though I have many fond memories of my N64 and GameCube. My favorite series is probably Gears Of War (can't wait for judgement), and my favorite all time game is probably Ocarina of time.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Shroomy? No, why?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That's where I got the idea from. My friends call me either Legs, Legge, Leggy or my real name.


knows petras secret: she farted.
snes was the best console of all time.

ill go with final fantasy for franchise because of 6 and 7.

and single game... final fantasy 7.
Well, this seems the best place for a post I started writing before I realized it didn't quite fit the brief of the OP, so I'll stick it here.

Plenty of my favourite games actually were on the PS, PS2 or N64 but honestly my favourite console would have to be the Super NES. It dominated my free time as a kid, such glorious colourful fun and wonderful variety of simple yet enjoyable games. My favourite series is no doubt the Street Fighter series, as from Street Fighter II through to Capcom VS SNK 2 I bought nearly every different variant (save the 3D ones beyond EX Plus @) and even bought a second hand Dreamcast purely to play Third Strike. If push comes to shove my favourite game is probably still Mario World.
It really is incredibly subjective depending on what kind of video games you enjoy, how old you are and when your gaming time peaked, if you prefer playing alone or with friends. I was a 90s gamer who experienced everything 8-Bit and 16-Bit and a lot of what was worth playing in the arcade, carried on gaming into the 2nd gen consoles but lost interest before the PS3 came out. The last games I played obsessively were Here Comes The Pain and Capcom VS SNK 2 on PS2 and Super Monkey Ball on the GameCube. 90% of my favourite games were the multiplayers because I never cared for gaming alone, or on occasion take it in turns doing a level/dungeon/etc.

For me, my favourite perfectly crafted iconic games in terms of playability, longevity, charm and fun factor are these, and by "longevity" I need to point out that I mean "I still play them often" :

  • Super Mario Kart (Super NES)
  • Super Mario World (Super NES)
  • Legend Of Zelda : A Link To The Past (Super NES)
  • Street Fighter II : Hyper Fighting (arcade) / Turbo (Super NES) / Special Champion Edition (MegaDrive/Genesis)
  • Sonic The Hedgehog (MegaDrive/Genesis)

.... with an honourable mention from a personal point of view for :

  • Worms United on the PC
  • WWF No Mercy on the N64
  • WWF WrestleFest in the arcade
  • Turtles In Time
  • Super Mario Brothers 3
  • Street Fighter Alpha 3
  • [nobabe]Anna Kournikova[/nobabe] Smash Court Tennis (I'm not joking) on the PS
  • FIFA World Cup '98 (N64 version)
  • Altered Beast (arcade only, not the home port).

As you can tell, I never cared for games that were too serious, required too much brain power, took long to get into or had a steep learning curve. Pick up and play.


persona non grata
NES was by far the console i had the most fun playing on (the fact that i was about twelve years old when i bought it might have something to do with that). I don´t have the patience for adventure games any longer so my favourite franchise would probably be Soul Calibur or Top Spin, those are the ones i´ve spent the most time playing the last couple of years.


Console - Sega Megadrive
Franchise - Final Fantasy and God of War
Game - Does that have to be a console game?

There's too many I liked such as Streets of Rage on the Sega, the first Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil, but I've spent much time on PC games as well.