Your favorite game trailers

This one for Dragon Age Origins. An epic trailer for an epic game. It still gives me the chills.

:sing: a brave new world! the war is won!


For the EMPEROR!!
Are we talking "Official" game trailers, or any game trailers?

Anyway, this is one I really like.


For the EMPEROR!!

These musical ones are awesome.
this was my favorite GoW trailer:

now this going way back in the day on the PC but I loved this game:

Ghost Recon

and it's expansion Desert Siege


For the EMPEROR!!
^^ I loved that Mad World one. That's one of the many I've got saved to my HD actually.

This is one from a game called Smite, which I haven't played actually, but found when I found looking for more TSFH a while back.

That little Egyptian chicky babe Goddess is hawtt'!


For the EMPEROR!!
This is my favourite Halo one.



For the EMPEROR!!

lol "Ninja's play for free."
Best modern gaming trailer ever:
My eyes teared up a bit when I first saw it. Game was absolute shit, but the trailer was epic

They even made a live-action version:

In terms of the classics:

GTA Vice City

Dune 2000

Red Alert 2
The game was released a month or so before 9-11 and the box cover was actually recalled because it showed New York under attack with the World Trade Center on fire.


For the EMPEROR!!
^^ I remember those Dead Island ones, they're very good.

Love this one. The music when he's taking down the Cyclops is epic.


For the EMPEROR!!
Loved all seven "7 Wonder of Crysis" vids, especially this one.



For the EMPEROR!!
" .. of course the trickiest thing about hunting, is knowing whether you're the hunter or the hunted."

* "Cloak engaged." *
If you appreciate the 80/90s, you will love this game. The "cartoon" isn't in the game, but the voices & storyline are taken right from it.

It's also on flash sale this weekend.