search your feelings you know it to be true!
Darksquid Jun 30, 2010 #1 search your feelings you know it to be true! Attachments Lady_Gaga_Sex_Doll_main.jpg 98 KB · Views: 380
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Jun 30, 2010 #2 anything to keep her mouth busy, stop singing and definitely stop talking
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Jul 2, 2010 #8 Nah the box isn't big enough for some whacky hairpeice or veil in the shape of a Dairy Queen swirl that she is known for....the girl has a face that looks like a jar of smashed asses and speaking of ass she certainly has a nice one.
Nah the box isn't big enough for some whacky hairpeice or veil in the shape of a Dairy Queen swirl that she is known for....the girl has a face that looks like a jar of smashed asses and speaking of ass she certainly has a nice one.
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Jul 2, 2010 #12 maleonetwo said: WANT! :rubbel: Click to expand... Ditto!
Shifty O.G. Jul 2, 2010 #13 "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick!" :rofl2: "She loves it when you poke-her face!" :rofl2:
C Cutie Jul 3, 2010 #16 Asianlov69 said: almost as slutty as the real one.... Click to expand... Nothing can be as slutty as the real one, so that pic is so wrong.. :rofl:
Asianlov69 said: almost as slutty as the real one.... Click to expand... Nothing can be as slutty as the real one, so that pic is so wrong.. :rofl:
Ace Bandage The one and only. Jul 4, 2010 #18 Q: How do you wake up Lady Gaga? A: Poker face. I'll be here all week. :hatsoff: