You must see this - pic


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
lmao.. Diamond Foxx makes a great "uu what's that" face.. :2 cents:



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What should I do now that I've seen it?


Thank the heavens I saw this picture.

To think, I was ready to go about my daily life without viewing it! Close one.

Edit: Now spleen the asshole has had his say, spleen the regular guy would like to point out it is actually a pretty funny picture, and that the thread starter should ignore all the asshole comments.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
She seems really amazed by his cock!
Unattractive girl confronts huge cock...this is about as important as the cover story on the newspaper today. I.e Its not.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Yeah, because that exact same reaction has never been replicated in any other pron film ever produced. Like most of eastern and western Europe, this picture is very unimportant.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Thanks Spleen.. the regular guy.. for pointing out the obvious..
I know everybody has seen everything around here but a funny pornstar picture if always priceless :cool:

Edit: Now spleen the asshole has had his say, spleen the regular guy would like to point out it is actually a pretty funny picture, and that the thread starter should ignore all the asshole comments.