Mighty Doom for mobile, Hi Fi rush and redfall.
They got their foot in the door in the mobile market BUT OMFG they couldnt hold onto a good thing if G_d himself slapped them 1000x in the faceplate whilst telling them the PROPER WAY to run a gaming empire.
.... so. With that said. I can only tell you now that it is just a waiting game for MS to completely botch their acquisition of activision blizzard.
It isnt even wishing them ill will, it's just seeing which way the wind is blowing. Repeatedly.
Over the decades, they've.. sadly, (Cuz I'm an MS fan, minus the x360 era) completely screwed their acquisitions and methinks call of duty is a dead franchise that might, NOW, get maybe 2 more solid releases and then fall off completely.
Just a thought.