xbox 360 problems

Has anyone had significant issues with their 360?
I waited and purchased mine a few months after the initial release, and everything was fine until recently. I had a problem with "3 flashing red lights". This caused my system to freeze up and it wouldn't even load a game. this was apparently a comomon enough issue for microsoft to include a pre-recorded message on their 800 number, but it did not work for me. I had to shell out $140 to get it repaired. Now the system they sent me freezes constantly, a problem i never had before the three lights incident.

Anyone else have similar problems?
Similar circumstances caused me to jump ship from Nintendo to Microsoft, and I am about ready to try the PS3. I just wanted some opinions before i call to bitch at Microsoft.


what the fuck you lookin at?
the red ring of death is 4 red lights. I've had 3 in the past when I was using an aftermarket cooling fan. Since I took it off I've had no further problems. Of course when I get GTAIV, then I'll know for sure! :D


you should visit the dailytech and/or anandtech websites. there are a lot of articles about broken 360s there, including one that states that MS estimates it will cost hem over 1 billion dollars to fix existing machines that have some kind of defect.

if you want to buy a new machine then wait until the 65nm revision is out later this year, it should solve a lot of the cooling issues. also there is a $50 price cut coming soon...
I had mine for well over a year. Never had the red ring of death. I've seen a friends 360 go down. He had one of those after market fan units on it.
When my first two machines broke down Microsoft replaced them for free, within warranty. Since then, great.

Also never have the console vertical, it's more likely to break down like that.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I had mine for well over a year. Never had the red ring of death. I've seen a friends 360 go down. He had one of those after market fan units on it.

I also had the fan, after I had some problems with it, I removed the fan and no problems since!

Also never have the console vertical, it's more likely to break down like that.

Better airflow if you keep it vertical though! :thumbsup:
I got the ring of death about a month ago. Should be getting my xbox back form its repairs in a couple weeks.
So far so good with my 360. But saying that only had it for 3 months but keeping my fingers crossed. The only problem I've had so far is with elder scrolls its the only game that has crashed on me three times, its annoying as it takes so long to load.

Oh and crackdown didn't work...well it was just that it made my tv feel embarresed.
I have a system from the launch date and I have not had a single problem. It has froze a few times but that is to be expected with any computer.
I've got the fan on mine, but have only had it on for a few weeks, does it cause problems with the system?

Do you mean, an external fan? 'Cause there's 3 fans inside the machine. I wouldn't think an external fan would cause probs with the system.