If a white man robs a black business is it a hate crime?
If a Black preacher talk negativly about white America is it a hate crime?
I beleive hate crimes only comes into play when someone is physically hurt or killed.
If lets say a white guy beat a black with no evidence it was racially motivated thats not a hate crime.I don't really think it's that difficult to determine in a lot of cases.Most of the time they can present evidence of what the person was saying and doing prior to the physical attacks that are the evidence it was based on some sort of bias.
Just look at what the perpertrator said in the case here.
""As he was walking away, the guy in the back seat got out and walked over to Sean and called him a faggot and punched him in the face."
And then later.
Fifteen minutes later, the 18-year-old assailant called one of the women whom Sean had been with in the bar and left a message on her cell phone.
"You tell your faggot friend when he wakes up he owes me 500 dollars for my broken hand," the message said.
These people are not the sharpest tools in the shed lol and leave a lot of evidence of their motivations and convict themselves out of their own mouths very often.
And on your second point,speech that incites violence might be a hate crime but just decrying injustice would not be that IMO.But white groups have been convicted of telling followers they should kill blacks when their followers actually do it.Thats when the line gets crossed.