ive run twice from the police. 1. i ran through a wreck scene, while the cop was putting up flares, i drove right through it going about 85. i looked back and he was running to his car and soon the lights began flashing. i exited and just started to cut through the neighborhood and lost him. 2. i was speeding through this neighborhood, going 45 in a 20. i ended up passing by a cop and he u-turned, i took a right and then a left and parked in somebodys driveway, turned off my lights and he drove right pass me. i have never ran from a cop on foot.... never had to.
With today's messed up court system you're safer & better off taking your chances in court......9 time out of 10 they'll just give you a fine and be done with it.
depends what the crime is, if any.
going on a high speed chase is stupid but if you can run, run.
getting caught up in the legal system is not good.