Worst Music Videos

There doesn't appear to be a thread for this in the talk section. This should be fun. :elaugh:

I have never done acid, but if I ever did, this is how I would imagine it. A guy dressed as a clown, Asian girls, dancing bunnies, bright colors, and most of all...bad choreography.

HAHAHAHA....look at Spider-Man over here. Note the girl sleeping on the floor in this video. They didn't pay her to do that.

This one holds a special place in my heart as worst video of all time. The first time I ever saw this on MTV I thought to myself that surely they couldn't be serious. Then I came to the horrible realization that they were...and laughed. Tattooed rockers in the middle of Ferngully does not a good video make.


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Hard to say which video actually IS the worst, but this one sure shows the signs for what it takes:

This little guy is just pathetic.