Part of the problem is the fact people in porn, whether it's the producers or the performers, have always had a complete and utter inability to stick together for pretty much anything. Most of them are some of the most ruthless, unethical, greedy, mercenary-like scum that are involved in a legal business that the world knows, and a lot of them are even a lot worse than that. There is no artistic integrity of their work that they care about that might apply to other types of work that cause people to stick together. There is no helping out the person next to you. The entire business revolves around getting ahead and screwing, both literally and metaphorically, anybody you need to that makes you get ahead of everybody else. Even if their lives depended on it they would probably just end up dying instead of sticking together. Even in the rare incidents where something like that even remotely happens they do it because they see a way to somehow get ahead or exploit it and not because it's good for the industry, the people in it, or it's the right thing to do. When they no longer can exploit the situation they discard it like everything else.
Add to that the fact that the vast VAST majority of women in porn are easy to replace, (Why do you think most of them don't even last more than six months to a year?) and there is always some dumb young naive new woman coming in to exploit to replace the others, and it compounds the problem even that much more