Gordar said:
A drug that is becoming (or already is) very popular in the US but (luckily) isn't nearly as popular in Europe (yet).
I don't know the details of what it exactly is or what kind of 'kick' it gives you & I honestly don't want to find out either. I do know that it's VERY adictive, ruins your body & is highly lethal (if I'm not mistaken).
It's been around for a Loooooooong time. Remember the stuff that the bikers used to use called "crank"? Same stuff. The nazis had a recipe for it that is still in use by cookers of this shit today. The main reason that it exploded (no pun intended) in popularity in the US is because it takes some relatively common items to make. Cold medicine, solvents, and other chemicals that you use in a fairly easy-to-follow recipe create this stuff.
It wires you, which is why the junkies like it. A very high high, but a very low low, and the more you use, the more you HAVE to use to get that high.
I know here in the US, they've been passing a lot of laws and restricting the sale of a lot of items to cut down on the labs the cookers have. In Oklahoma and Iowa, they had HUGE drops in lab incidents after restricting the sale of the only ingredient that you MUST have to make meth- ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.
Some other crap that is used in making meth (this ought to make you want to smoke it): starting fluid, coleman camping fuel, lithium strips from batteries, anhyrdous amonia (a farm chemical, which is why the midwestern states were such a popular place for it), hydrochloric acid, red devil lye, etc. etc. etc.
There was even a technique these guys would use where they would extract the ephedrine out of their own urine to cook more after they'd been smoking. :eek:
Ugly stuff.