Women on Drugs.

What's the most disgusting for a woman to use?

  • Meth

    Votes: 23 57.5%
  • Crack/ Cocaine

    Votes: 13 32.5%
  • Marijuana

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tobacco Products

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Speed or other metabolism enhancers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Birth Control

    Votes: 1 2.5%

  • Total voters
I was watching this really interesting, yet kind of disgusting, expose on meth the other night. It basically talked about how horrible of a drug it was and what it does to the body. That being said, I notice that, no matter how much worse than anything meth is found to be, people still consider women on crack (i.e. crackheads) to be the bottom-rung-of-the-ladder most disgusting. So what does everyone else think? In your own personal asthetic preference or personal opinion, what is the worst drug that a woman can use/abuse?
All - Woman or Man should just not do them.The price you pay in the end is just too much.Not only to body but mind,family,friends and even strangers life's as your need goes up and you run out of money.So your start to commit crimes such as thief to fund your habit.

Interesting you put 'Birth Control' after all this bring in condoms and such like.I think you meant 'The Pill'.

I don't see much wrong with alcohol as long as you do it for social drinking and don't become alcoholic.
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Meth - When you look at some of the before and after pictures of some of the women that have abused that shit, it's just amazing. Some of them went from being very nice looking to looking horrible. That stuff just wrecks their mind and body.
Crack is the worst drug imo, very adictive :mad:
and cocaïne is the same shit but more expensive...
Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana aren't a problem as long as they aren't took excessively :yinyang:
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I have lady friends who use to use crack...and now they are in very powerful support groups and thier minds are flushed!

its a damm shame! :(
No problem with Alcohol, Weed, birth control which are not to bad.

As long as used for social use and dont become an addiction.

I know of people who have used speed and cocaine that aren't bad when on them but still aren't fond of them when on the drugs or others who use the drug.

Jennifer Lundgren
July 2003

Jennifer Lundgren
17 months later

For Fucks sake, PLEASE,PLEASE don't take this shit.
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Those are all sickening options (except for the "mandatory" ;) birth control!).

There are so many way to fuck up your own life, I don't need my woman bringing any of those problems home. Addictive personalities can be so sad.
9inch said:
What is exactly this drug called Meth ??
if anyone can explain this... :2 cents:

A drug that is becoming (or already is) very popular in the US but (luckily) isn't nearly as popular in Europe (yet).

I don't know the details of what it exactly is or what kind of 'kick' it gives you & I honestly don't want to find out either. I do know that it's VERY adictive, ruins your body & is highly lethal (if I'm not mistaken).
Gordar said:
A drug that is becoming (or already is) very popular in the US but (luckily) isn't nearly as popular in Europe (yet).

I don't know the details of what it exactly is or what kind of 'kick' it gives you & I honestly don't want to find out either. I do know that it's VERY adictive, ruins your body & is highly lethal (if I'm not mistaken).

It's been around for a Loooooooong time. Remember the stuff that the bikers used to use called "crank"? Same stuff. The nazis had a recipe for it that is still in use by cookers of this shit today. The main reason that it exploded (no pun intended) in popularity in the US is because it takes some relatively common items to make. Cold medicine, solvents, and other chemicals that you use in a fairly easy-to-follow recipe create this stuff.

It wires you, which is why the junkies like it. A very high high, but a very low low, and the more you use, the more you HAVE to use to get that high.

I know here in the US, they've been passing a lot of laws and restricting the sale of a lot of items to cut down on the labs the cookers have. In Oklahoma and Iowa, they had HUGE drops in lab incidents after restricting the sale of the only ingredient that you MUST have to make meth- ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.

Some other crap that is used in making meth (this ought to make you want to smoke it): starting fluid, coleman camping fuel, lithium strips from batteries, anhyrdous amonia (a farm chemical, which is why the midwestern states were such a popular place for it), hydrochloric acid, red devil lye, etc. etc. etc.

There was even a technique these guys would use where they would extract the ephedrine out of their own urine to cook more after they'd been smoking. :eek:

Ugly stuff.

Gordar said:
A drug that is becoming (or already is) very popular in the US but (luckily) isn't nearly as popular in Europe (yet).

I don't know the details of what it exactly is or what kind of 'kick' it gives you & I honestly don't want to find out either. I do know that it's VERY adictive, ruins your body & is highly lethal (if I'm not mistaken).
you can be sure I didn't asked this to begin to buy this shit, I'm just interested by the drugs for their history not for theirs effects on me :D
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AndyHunter said:
Just don't do drugs people!

It's just that easy! :) And don't have premarital sex, drive over the speed limit, or view racy pornographic material. Just ignore the basic human tendency to explore the possibility of changing your state of mind. Seriously, one's life can tend to be very fruitful and enjoyable by adhering to one common axiom: MODERATION. Drugs are definitely no good. A little bit of weed every now and then is ok but make no mistake, it makes ya fuckin' lazy. I think it all boils down to whether or not you have an addictive tendency in your personality and your ability to recognize it.

Some people, because of their desire to "feel good" through means other than hard work, goal achievement and personal accomplishment, are going to get high, fuck people to feel "wanted", and eat 7 Krispy Kreme donuts because that's what makes them feel good. For a while. Then things start to spiral. The drugs that used to make them feel good, now they do the drugs just to not feel bad. Not only are they now fucking the drug dealer to get the drugs, they're letting him have 5 of his buddies fuck her because she doesn't care, she just wants the drug.

So now she's addicted to drugs that don't even make her feel good, her ass is bleeding, she's got herpes, and the goddamn donuts made her fat.

See what kind of path addiction can set you on?
yea even weed can be dangerous, dependin on ur personality, i used to do it now and den with my friends, had great times yet after a while we started smokin it more and more, it started affectin my memory, and i became lazier and lazier...so i decided to quit. its fun to do once in a while (alot of laughs, everythin seems nicer, u appreciate life a bit more? kinda) but yea once a week or a month is fine!
Alright bozzman, we need to have a talk. You'll notice very quickly that people type here using only real words of the english language. You seem like a fine young gentleman whose contributions will be appreciated here but for one thing: Please refrain from "u r" "now and den, wad up wid dat?", and the like. It may be quicker to type but it's damn near impossible to read.

Anyway, please try to help us with that, as I said with another guy yesterday - u r givin me hd8ke wid all dis stUf.
Rep for you, PG. "Prince-Speak/SMS-Speak" terms are annoying as all Hell (they're against board rules here as well). "U R not da 1 4 me."


Peter Gazinya said:
Alright bozzman, we need to have a talk. You'll notice very quickly that people type here using only real words of the english language. You seem like a fine young gentleman whose contributions will be appreciated here but for one thing: Please refrain from "u r" "now and den, wad up wid dat?", and the like. It may be quicker to type but it's damn near impossible to read.

Anyway, please try to help us with that, as I said with another guy yesterday - u r givin me hd8ke wid all dis stUf.
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