Women agreeing to do porn or talking about what it was like, including their regrets

ANY VIDS OF WOMEN AGREEING TO DO PORN - i.e. being told what they will have to do, and agreeing to it, refusing certain things, agreeing the fee, being asked how far they go sex-wise in their personal or work (if a whore) life, reluctantly agreeing to doing something in particular, etc?

Longshot but it would be perfect if it was shot covertly at the interview stage, and then the girl was told about the footage and agreed to it being released for an extra fee alongside her scene.

OR VIDEOS OF GIRLS TALKING ABOUT HAVING DONE PORN - e.g. why they did it, how they got into it, what they had to do, what they refused to do and why, whether they regret it, whether they worry their moms, work colleagues etc will find out etc.

I'd love to hear a girl answer the question: "Do you worry that in years to come, your kids will find out you did this, or that they will see you having sex online in years to come?"