after you quit your body can repair itself. your body doesnt just stay at that level of damage permanently. it immediately starts to repair the damage. your body is one incredible piece of engineering at times and constantly battles you on a lot of choices you make that may be detrimental. kind of like if you quit eating saturated fats, your body can start working off that excess layer rather than have to keep dealing with the daily intake, it starts working on the unhealthy reserves.
personal risk outside of higher risk of cancer, somer other reasons are:
high blood pressure, high cholesterol (smoking reduces good HDL), stroke, coronary heart disease, heart attack, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, tooth decay, gum disease, chronic bad breath, osteoporosis, ulcers, and diabetes (smoking causes insulin resistance)
social aspects: rising health care costs, second hand smoke. im not going to rely on the social aspects cos us non smokers do some fucked up stuff to increase health care costs as well. if you stand on a corner in downtown san francisco in peak hour of business breathing in everything around you then second hand smoke will be the least of your worries. i completely disagree with the militant attitude non smokers take against smoking saying its killing them too. oh for fucks sake if you take that same non smoker and examined their lifestyle you'll see that they make thier own choices that can be just as or even more detrimental to their health than your smoke. if someone is complaining about your second hand smoke risking their health while they are gorging down a big mac, biggie fries and biggie cola then its ok to laugh at them for being an idotic douchebag. those few whisps of smoke from your cigarette is harmless compared to the fat they are voluntarily ingesting. the social aspect would actually encourage me to smoke because i dont like some pussy assed, patchuli smelling, self proclaimed messaiah of activist causes tell me how i should or shouldnt live my life and few things give me as much pleasure as making those types of people unhappy.
"youre killing me with your second hand smoke!" he said as he takes one last shot of wild turkey before getting behind the wheel. some smokers are continuing to smoke to spite the crowd of self righteous bigmouths. a simple, hey please would
You Mind not smoking right nowwill go a lot further and get far better results. i know this because ive done it and thanked by smokers for being pleasant about my protest. my recurring freeones theme is diplomacy goes very far. so the social argument is just argument, nothing more and actually works against itself.
if you quit, do it for yourself. look at the listed medical reasons and quit for you. not because someone told you to. quit because you want to quit, success will be much easier.
reasons not to quit: the sin tax is what now? 200%? 300%? lol, your smoking taxes may be the stimulous this economy needs! (this last comment was satire please dont get all economics on me folks)