Why we have to deal with shitty teen vampire movies

Stephenie Meyer (born December 24, 1973), age 36 is a slightly overweight bored housewife, if she had only been getting dick from her husband, or lived out her younger man fantasy we would have been spared this tween vampire bullshit!


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I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Yep she looks pasty and homely. Stephen King was quoted as saying: Stephanie Myer, she can't write for shit.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well they all can't look pretty


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Vampires are now bastardized. It's only a matter of time before Zombies are:


Oh, God! Not you, zombies! NOT YOU!!!! :bawling:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Vampires are now bastardized. It's only a matter of time before Zombies are:


Oh, God! Not you, zombies! NOT YOU!!!! :bawling:

It's sad, but the time will eventually arrive....
I just can't wait until a crazed fan actually drives a stake through that pretty boy's heart. Everyone who has taken part in anything to do with this movie / book needs to die - writer, directory, actors, film crew, publishers - hell - anyone who sat through the thing and enjoyed it... THEY ALL HAVE TO DIE!!

The vampire goes to high school...? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT!?!?


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Bronze Member
I just can't wait until a crazed fan actually drives a stake through that pretty boy's heart. Everyone who has taken part in anything to do with this movie / book needs to die - writer, directory, actors, film crew, publishers - hell - anyone who sat through the thing and enjoyed it... THEY ALL HAVE TO DIE!!

The vampire goes to high school...? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT!?!?

Look at it this way - where do you find the highest percentage of nubile goth girls who crave crossing over to the wild, dark side?

There you go!