Why Military Chiefs Are Condemning White Supremacy



"the men and women who enter the military can be slightly more conservative than those entering the workforce out of university, but remember: Unlike corporations, the U.S. military only recruits young people. The kids joining the military today—and most of them are still teenagers—have grown up in precisely the America that scares white supremacists. They simply can’t imagine a public institution, for example, hostile to homosexuals or people of color."

"the men and women who enter the military can be slightly more conservative than those entering the workforce out of university, but remember: Unlike corporations, the U.S. military only recruits young people. The kids joining the military today—and most of them are still teenagers—have grown up in precisely the America that scares white supremacists. They simply can’t imagine a public institution, for example, hostile to homosexuals or people of color."

Of course they condemn it and rightly so.

There is no supreme or superior race.

How could military leaders form cohesive batallions,units if some were viewed as superior than others?

An army of one would be a pipe dream.

Their are superior and supreme nations however.

Of which, the United States Of America is the cat daddy.