Why do you post here ?

Other than the beautiful ladies what is the one thing about this board that you guys love and keep returning to?

For me its the sense of humour and the off and on political debates that for me as a non American is quite entertaining and informative. Plus i dont need to go searching for the latest news. Its mostly out here as soon as the content appears online.

What else?
I've got no other friends :crying:


Its out on the fringe.....If anyone knows of any other website with universal appeal and mad shit is posted occasionally. Do inform me.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Why not :dunno:

Actually, it is partly to be able to interact with some of the wonderful ladies that post here.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I have been consuming internet porn for 14 years now. Now I feel it's really about time to give back to the wonderful ladies who gave me so much joy :)

And it's like Jerry Springer, only now I am Steve Wilkos ^^
On FOs I can discuss my favorite porn babe, politics, sports, pop culture, music, tv, movies, art, cars, etc. and use adult language in doing so if I chose to.

Maybe there are other places on the web like this but I see no reason to try to find them at this point.

(And a Great fun to give my fingers exercise and I like too see what other weirdos of the web have to say.)



Official Checked Star Member
Because I'm such a whore for forums. And you guys are pretty fun, sometimes ;)
Just for the hell of it. No particular reason.