Ed Exley:
Rolo Tomasi is the reason I became a cop. I wanted to catch the guys who thought they could get away with it. It's supposed to be about justice. Then somewhere along the way, I lost sight of that. Why'd you become a cop?
Jack Vincennes:
I don't remember.
I mean, I know I could just do a post search and find out why. But its been many years, and no need to imagine the why or the how. I remember lurking (looking without posting) for 2 years. At one point in time it became necessary to join up so I could say something to someone. I remember that someone as Fox. Who had a band? Named *******? And he was one of the super-vocal members, at that time.
The whole site was super vocal, at that time. The first page of general chat was constantly in flux, you actually HAD to use subscribe on a thread to keep track of it. It could've been back on page 5 by the time you get off work.
The posting games section was just one huge circle jerk of reputation.. which proved how bored we were, or just wanted to click a few buttons and make a joke and increase a stupid number near our names.
So I made a post. I debated the thing. Then I ... much like smoking or drinking or.. I dunno, anything in life.. didnt really mean to start ~ but ended up doing, more.
Time went on and like some people.. I realize with the passing of time, things changing a bit.. that in lieu of chatrooms, people have started to 'text' so very much more than 'voice chat/call', message boards dont have the same appeal and I just like visiting the site for more sentimental reasons. The porn is fine, that is a universal thing.
Or... you could say that it isnt, seeing as how the UK bans.. and third world countries.. and whoever, is changing porn. Hell, I dont remember the details but there was some porny city in California that ... I dunno, became Illegal to make porn in? Local government changed their status on it.
That city was a thing, before I joined. It is quite a bit later.
Why did I join?
I dont remember.