Who's hotter Jose Maran of Jessica Alba?

Josie or Jessica?

  • Josie Maran

    Votes: 44 40.0%
  • Jessica Alba

    Votes: 66 60.0%

  • Total voters
That's a tough choice.
I was gonna vote for Josie but then I clicked your Jessica link and saw that ass shot again so I'm changing my vote to Jessica Alba.
Got to go with Jessica IMO.
Um maybe you should take a second look, http://www.theplace.ru/archive/josie_maran/img/zy_JosieMaran_Intimissimi_AW2003_MarcHom_002.jpg
and http://www.robbscelebs.co.uk/noops194/josie_maran0062.jpg

You guys are raping her of her hottness!!! Anyway I never said anything about one being better than the other when I made the new topic per josie maran. So I dont know why you would rape me of the privilege of my new topic. I'm not mad just don't understand the reasoning of the poll. There is nothing worse than making a new topic that no one else has thought of just for it to get shot down by someone elses poll. It would have been different if I had said something. Other wise I would have not even probly cared. Well in any case please try to be considerite of other members, thanks. ~~Vanish


vanish said:
Um maybe you should take a second look, http://www.theplace.ru/archive/josie_maran/img/zy_JosieMaran_Intimissimi_AW2003_MarcHom_002.jpg
and http://www.robbscelebs.co.uk/noops194/josie_maran0062.jpg

You guys are raping her of her hottness!!!
So I dont know why you would rape me of the privilege of my new topic.

You have an interesting way of expressing yourself.

I do not know exactly why Peter G. started this thread. But my guess is that it was not to undermine your thread in any way. Maybe your thread was his inspiration to start this one.
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Sorry dude, I just saw a naked picture of Josie Maran, thought she was hot as hell. I was also thinking how she looked kinda like Jessica Alba and it made me appreciate it that much more that Josie is willing to show her impeccable boobs to all the world.

So, your thread inspired me to compare her to another beauty. I figured since Josie gets naked that she'd win the poll but apparently that is not to be :rofl2:
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It's all good, don't worry about it.~~Vanish

Yeah not everything is about nudity. Its more about the class, pose, and overall the picture. All those things factor in and I have seen a Hottie thats completly nude get trashed by a bikini girl all because of those factors. I'm sure other members will agree with what I am saying.~~Vanish~~Apoligie accepted btw~~
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