Who wouldn't want to TF Sarah Silverman



Maybe if she didn't look like a ferret in that clip. Oh yeah, and I don't have a penis. :shy:
I've always wanted to nail her. She's extremely hilarious, and that can be very sexy. Sputnik, in light of your lack of penis, would you at least entertain the thought of yodelling in her valley?


Yeah, the cleavage is nice. But otherwise, that is about the worst I have ever seen her look.

Sometimes she looks very attractive.
The best I've seen her was in that Maxim interview and when she came out for the first time in that black dress when she hosted this years MTV's Movie Awards.

I'll dick her skinny ASS!



knows petras secret: she farted.
the moment she went on mtv is the moment she died for me. last thing i need is another give-the-people-what-they-want comic riding the coat-tail of mtv's god awful television and popularity.


Closed Account
I have boobs. I don't see the big deal myself, although like SG I have no penis so I am limited. :dunno:

I do think Peter's yodeling thing was funny though. lol



the moment she went on mtv is the moment she died for me. last thing i need is another give-the-people-what-they-want comic riding the coat-tail of mtv's god awful television and popularity.

So true. Now she's doing ads for GAP too. I never liked her routines anyway, but now she's even more annoying.


knows petras secret: she farted.
So true. Now she's doing ads for GAP too. I never liked her routines anyway, but now she's even more annoying.

totally. i remember once, i was flipping through the movie channels and she was doing a routine and she said one thing about birth control and asking her friends what they used and one of them told her that they usually just have her boyfriend cum on her face.

of course i was like oooo, fucking awesome! but then the next day i put on her show and was like, wtf! this shit sucks. and now the gap, mtv, its only making it worse.
She doesn't look that great in this clip. Never realized she had such great boobs though. Basically, I agree with most of you, I liked her more years ago when she was on Greg the Bunny. Now she's just gone mainstream. Still hot though, but the mystique is gone.
Funny I never heard of her until she got her own show (I don't get out much so that's not saying a lot), although I watch all the stand up acts. I'm not a big fan of bathroom humor, but I found the clip edgy and sexy in a bazaar way. I felt caught in the act, like I didn't need her to tell me to focus on her cleavage but she figured us guys would and put it out there. Maybe I'm overanalyzing this, but I found the invite to do what I was subconsciously doing anyway to be sexy.

I got caught looking at a woman's breast before. It was embarrassing as she looked down at her chest then in front of everybody fastened the button that gave me a nice inside look into the curves of her breast.
:D :bowdown: :thumbsup:

the only thing I want to do to her is not watch her unfunny show.

wow, her humor is that of a group of 14 year old boys in the locker room, but she's a girl so it's totally shattering our perception of gender mores. way to advance the cause of womans lib, you go girl.

and yes, sarcasm IS funny, unlike sarah silverman saying "poop" and "boobs". they allready have a show that does that- it's called South park and it does it better, funnier and far more clever and socialy satirical than anything else Comedy Central and MTV has ever put out.