Who should be punishment and by what method(s)

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Now's your Chance to vent! :angels:
Who should be punishment?
I think punishment should come in the form of Justin Bieber. Any time spend with him is pure agony.

I was thinking that the WHO was more along the lines of a 400+ lbs. woman and the BY WHAT METHOD that would be reverse cowgirl.
Whoever pisses me off at the moment, and by whatever means I have at my disposal.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Who are we punishing and what did they do. It's a variable-sliding scale-bell curve when it comes to punishment.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
just wondering if Ike has been questioned by the gestaporators as to why he is spamming the board.

I'm pretty much always one post away from permanent banishment. I once drove a mod so up the wall, he tried to run his car into me. (Not mentioning any names DOA82) :)


Closed Account
So far your threads are fairly amusing, you need to work harder Ike. Your not even close to being compared to the shit stains left in the bowl by a fat man after a night of extra spicy chilli.

So get to it boy!



Closed Account
For people who do crimes on children - Scaphism
This gives them time to think about what they did.

My wildcard is who the punishment is for. The punishment is using marine epoxy to close a certain lower orifice and give them hospital strength laxative.