Who are these illustrious strangers?

Tried the 1st and last link; no luck:

Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory in /server/webs/pixhost.org/www/includes/class/wSQL.php on line 13
Connect failed: No such file or directory

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Tried the 1st and last link; no luck:

Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory in /server/webs/pixhost.org/www/includes/class/wSQL.php on line 13
Connect failed: No such file or directory
The problem I'm getting is that every link I click on is a fucking awful pic!

If you are to continue to take photos of your screen and post them @Hardcore84 then at least use imagebam.com because it enables you to post them as thumbnails which is far more palatable and compensates for your poor pictures by reducing them in size.

Not only are your photos the worst of the worst, you use a host where you have to click a link without the advantage of being able to see it it in advance and when/if people do click on it... it loads and full size and because of the poor resolution you can see bugger all!

Here, see - isn't that better?

People might actually answer your threads if you do this as well.
