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Whirlpool Moving Jobs to Mexico

Anyone here from Indiana who works at Whirpool or know someone who does and what are your or their reactions to this?


Whirlpool Moving Jobs to Mexico

by Dustin Ensinger on February 22, 2010 - 12:20pm

Unless labor leaders can produce a miracle, it appears that the failed North American Free Trade Agreement is set to claim another victim. Appliance manufacturing giant Whirlpool plans to relocate an Indiana refrigerator factory to Mexico this summer, costing thousands of American jobs.

“Whirlpool’s decision to shut down and move our work to Mexico is greed-driven and an atrocity,” IUE-CWA President James Clark said in a statement. “We know companies need to make money, but moving jobs out of the country during this economic crisis is shameful.”

The factory in Evansville, Indiana, is set to close by the end of June, according to the company. In all, the closure will cost some 1,100 jobs in the community.

The company plans to move the factory to Mexico where, due to almost nonexistent labor and environmental laws, Whirlpool will be able to produce for a fraction of the cost.

Whirlpool’s decision to uproot and relocate to Mexico is just the latest in a string of American companies that have found supposedly greener pastures since the implementation of NAFTA. Iconic American companies such as Coca Cola, Ford, RCA, General Motors, General Electric and Nokia have all opened up assembly plants in Mexico. In fact, GE employs 30,000 Mexicans in 35 factories in the country.

It is no wonder American companies are so eager to move their production to Mexico. In the U.S. the average factory worker earns roughly $18 per hour. His Mexican counterpart, on the other hand, makes just $3 per hour on average. This has encouraged a “race to the bottom” in which American companies are frequently relocating production facilities across the border.

Since 1993, when NAFTA was signed, manufacturing employment in the U.S. has decreased from 16.8 million to 13.9 million in 2007, as the trade agreement put American workers in direct competition with Mexican workers. According to a 2006 Economic Policy Institute report, between 1993 and 2006 NAFTA resulted in nearly 50,000 jobs lost in Indiana.
But, perhaps the most egregious part of Whirlpool’s decision to outsource manufacturing is the fact that the company took stimulus money through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Roughly $19 million in stimulus money, to be exact, according to the AFL-CIO.

“Too many people have lost their jobs. Too many jobs have been sent overseas. Enough is enough. Whirlpool’s management can’t take our money, shut down our factories and lay off our workers. It’s not acceptable—and together we’re going to deliver a loud and clear message to Whirlpool: Keep It Made in America and Save Our Jobs,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement.

Will E Worm

Boycott Whirlpool. :hatsoff:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
What's interesting and baffling about this tidal wave of American jobs being pushed overseas (or, in this case, south of the border) is that no one who runs these companies seems to understand that there won't be anyone left to buy their shit if nobody in the USA has a fucking job anymore.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Damn, that sucks. :( I've been to Evansville a few times, but I don't remember seeing the plant. I also don't know anyone that works there. Anything that costs Hoosiers their jobs is worrisome though. That's 1,100 people out of work. I'm really sorry to hear this. I guess I won't be buying any of their products anymore. I understand that it's all about the bottom line, but to just leave them high and dry is definitely "greed-driven and an atrocity."


There are American companies that have outsourced to Mexico and from Mexico have outsourced to China ! Sooooo.... :dunno:

You asked for it, you got it NAFTA / GAttERS !

Clintong / Igor :thefinger

I use rocks to warsh my clothes.

What kind of tree wood do you use for a warshboard ?

I prefer maple !

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What's interesting and baffling about this tidal wave of American jobs being pushed overseas (or, in this case, south of the border) is that no one who runs these companies seems to understand that there won't be anyone left to buy their shit if nobody in the USA has a fucking job anymore.

That's a big part of the problem: the people who run most large companies these days are nothing more than hired guns, brought in to do a 5-7 year stint, collect a few hundred million in compensation and then they move on to the next victim... I mean, company.

Pretty much gone are the days when "the company" was run by its founder or his family. Henry Ford paid his workers an above average wage, in part, because he wanted his employees to be able to purchase the products they were producing. These days, CEO's and BoD's seem to care more about securing their own future than anything to do with the company.

The thing that I find so (sadly) amusing is the number of Americans who chant about free trade, as if it was the new religion, while their company is executing plans to move their own jobs out of this country. But I guess there are chickens who think that Colonel Sanders is a neat guy too. :rolleyes:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
meanwhile, the CEO will be hailed by stockholders as a genius and increase his annual bonus and golden parachute.

(sniff, sniff) I smell a revolution coming and a lot of white collars are gonna get stained
Lets come to the reality that this has nothing to do with the people. It has to do with CHEAP labor and nothing more than that. Its the same reason jobs are outsourced to India and China, because they can pay these people pennies compared to what we hard working people get here. So, instead of taking care of their employees and having a lower profit margin, they take the cheap way out instead. Here's their logic "Let's send the work to Mexico where labor is cheap, we don't have to pay benefits or anything like that."

That's all it has to do with boys and girls, the bottom line and money money money. Oh, and lets not forget that when this does occur that the corporate heads that really don't do a true lick of work probably will get bonuses as well when the company saves the money with the cheap labor. Meanwhile the average employee will continually get screwed.
Aristotle once said, "The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes."

Unfortonately in this day and age in the U.S., the middle class is on the decline and shrinking right before our eyes as the top 5% of the ruling elites of this country are accumulating more economic and political control over our lives :mad:
Aristotle once said, "The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes."

Unfortonately in this day and age in the U.S., the middle class is on the decline and shrinking right before our eyes as the top 5% of the ruling elites of this country are accumulating more economic and political control over our lives :mad:

While I don't disagree with your statement, the middle class has never been "in control" anywhere at any time. They are getting squeezed between big business and the government's obsession with buying off the people with their own money and make them dependant on the government for pretty much everything. Meanwhile, the middle class is dying a slow, painful death by 1000 paper cuts.

I do think that Ross Perot was right when he said NAFTA would create a "giant sucking sound" of jobs going to Mexico. Some people (naively) thought this would keep them from coming to the US. Wrong. We're losing jobs and getting more poor, destitute illegals. Lose/lose situation if you ask me... Look no further than CA. :cool:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
May I propose that the United States and Canada invade Mexico? You guys can go down there and get your jobs back, and we can... get a couple orange Fantas.


Are any of you guys really in tune to what is going on all around us in terms of this nations deindustrialization ? I am and it keeps me up at night, it's as serious as a heart attack AFAIAC !

...but don't worry we can all be website designer femmies who, before long, won't even know how to swing a framing hammer in this new ''service oriented''
American workforce the *"????" has created for us. :flame:

*Trilateralists, bilderburgs, commys, carlistle groupers, soro's ''open society institute'', the hysterical earth warming fear monger creeps.... Or :dunno: ???

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here is a list of the bastards in the Senate who voted for NAFTA. Many of them are still around - some aren't. If you happen to see one of them on the street (and you can get away with it), spit in their face for me, will ya?

Baucus (D-MT)
Bennett (R-UT)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Bond (R-MO)
Boren (D-OK)
Bradley (D-NJ)
Breaux (D-LA)
Brown (R-CO)
Bumpers (D-AR)
Chafee (R-RI)
Coats (R-IN)
Cochran (R-MS)
Coverdell (R-GA)
Danforth (R-MO)
Daschle (D-SD)
DeConcini (D-AZ)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dole (R-KS)
Domenici (R-NM)
Durenberger (R-MN)
Gorton (R-WA)
Graham (D-FL)
Gramm (R-TX)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hatfield (R-OR)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Jeffords (R-VT)
Johnston (D-LA)
Kassebaum (R-KS)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerrey (D-NE)
Kerry (D-MA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
Mack (R-FL)
Mathews (D-TN)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Mitchell (D-ME)
Moseley-Braun (D-IL)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murray (D-WA)
Nickles (R-OK)
Nunn (D-GA)
Packwood (R-OR)
Pell (D-RI)
Pressler (R-SD)
Pryor (D-AR)
Robb (D-VA)
Roth (R-DE)
Simon (D-IL)
Simpson (R-WY)
Specter (R-PA)
Wallop (R-WY)
Warner (R-VA)

Oh, and by the way, also "thank" the California Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Heritage Foundation and the Clinton Administration for this FUBAR. NAFTA was a case of a bipartisan screwing of the American middle class and small businesses. :thefinger And if the Club for Growth, and some of these other wingnut groups, get their way (even more free trade agreements), there won't be a manufacturing base left to save in this country. There's barely anything left now.

If free trade isn't also fair trade, then I say NO!!!


Postal Paranoiac
Mark Whirlpool off the "to buy" list.