Which member should be banned?

Whom should be banned?

  • Scorpion

    Votes: 21 25.6%
  • Georges

    Votes: 23 28.0%
  • Kontkin

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 27 32.9%

  • Total voters
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and you are an awful racist! and you have no respect for people older than you and even foreign people. i propose you a thing you make me your apologizes and make You Mines. after that do what you want .


well funny for you but not too funny for me.

to each his own.


This has got to be the funniest thread ever posted on the freeones message board

I think its gettin there, Georges buddy dnt get so wound up its a message board its not like you'll ever meet Mr Burper! Jst chill i dnt think he'd have made teh remark if you hadnt jumped to the defence of scorp, so what am trying to say is let him fight his own battles instead of passing comment on what he said to someone else its not your place! I tell you i remember the days were you had to look really hard for an argument on the boards and now its all out war!


No shit, georges, quit sticking up for me, you are making me look bad, and making yourself look like a hypocrite. You also need to lighten up, and not freak out everytime someone criticizes you. I already told you in the PM, if they see it is bothering they are only gonna keep doing it.

Case in point why I still give so many people a hard time. People like cumburper, kontkin, c3/4, keep making these stupid posts expecting me to lose my temper, well I won't give them the benefit of the doubt. I suggest you do the same georges. Thanks.

Officially the highest post total for a thread I created. I'm flattered.


georges said:
and you are an awful racist! and you have no respect for people older than you and even foreign people. i propose you a thing you make me your apologizes and make You Mines. after that do what you want .


A racist?????!?!?!!?!?!??!??!?! Obviously you can't read english.
You are accusing someone of things he didn't do, you have to make an apology to cumburper Georges,.....you are not nice to him and as far as I can read not nice to anyone. You and scorpion are alike. 2 kids with a big mouth who calls all the other members kids.

guess who I voted for.
Kontkin said:
A racist?????!?!?!!?!?!??!??!?! Obviously you can't read english.
You are accusing someone of things he didn't do, you have to make an apology to cumburper Georges,.....you are not nice to him and as far as I can read not nice to anyone. You and scorpion are alike. 2 kids with a big mouth who calls all the other members kids.

guess who I voted for.

kontkin, your friend cumburper told me"shut up frenchie" so he insulted me. if i couldn't read english that would be known, i have been studying english since i am9. I am more warmhearted and openminded than you think but i don't like people who walk on my toes.Me not nice to anyone??? Did you read all my thread before sayin such a lie? What a liar you are!!Before saying somethin' on me think and get proofs then will open your mouth. How old are you btw to name me kid?


I saw a topic here where you wrote something about hating spam on a forum georges, but you are spamming all the time on ********* and you dare to call me a LIAR!!!!!!! Grow up boy.

ps. Cumburper is not my friend but someone who probably understands what is going on here.
what i am doing on mad is not your fuckin' business am i enough clear? i do what i want and i post what i want on mad. what i do elsewhere is not your business but mine, do you understand that? Is that so difficult for you to take your nose in your business? Please don't put your nose in my business and my private life, hoping that i was more than enough clear.
And for end whatever the fuck i do is my business not yours hope that you bared that in your mind.

thanks for your understanding.


What is steel? I don't remember me insulting or critcizing you. I honestly created this thread as a little side joke, it was the other members who decided to turn it into a grudge match and make it personal.
well they just feel this is no longer a joke when you look like you demand someone to be banned and sometimes, banning isn't always a joke but it's up to you anway...
very big thanks boldy:hatsoff::bowdown:

Now it will be a good opportunity to achieve you KONTKIN. KONTKIN you have taken your nose in what is not your fuckin personal business instead of lookin @ your door.You have trespassed the limits of acceptable. You have insulted regulars too much as well as insulted a babe that was nice. You are like plague for me. I can't have any respect as well as feelings for you KONTKIN.
You are the copy of -c3/4- and cumburper two other fuckin idiots of the same type than you.

for fuck sake go and play somewhere else. The only feelings i have for you kontkin are the same that i have for cumburper and the -c3/4- jackass which are visceral hate, anger and a terrible will to smash you down.


Listen Steel, I understand you are new, but a couple weeks back, a few members (Kontkin, Wang, c3/4, etc) asked if they can create some sort of poll about maybe banning me and georges. No one else took the initiative, so I decided to just randomly create my own, even the mods said no one can actually get banned, unless they violate the rules, speaking your mind is certainly not breaking any of the rules. Which that is really the reputation i have on here, is being very open-minded. You know this was a joke, if I even included myself in the poll, and got a kick out of being the one who got the most votes.


Kontkin said:
Please try to love me, I also have my weak moments.

Exactly my point you are very weak-minded and take what is said on here way too seriously. The only reason why i have a problem with you kontkin is because all you do is simply post about me or georges, you do nothing else to contribute on this. Iam not always criticizing people on thisboard. But somehow that is all you see, I have almost 1200 posts on here. Do you honestly believe all of those posts are negative in some way?
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