Yes, the dude had a serious fixation for Indian women. Maybe he's Indian himself. Maybe he's curious as to what a predominantly "western" board thinks about Indian women. Who knows?
But nobody forced anybody to check his threads out. If he was a nuisance, his actions ought to have been reported to moderators who would no doubt have taken appropriate action if required.
I just didn't think it was necessary to jeer at Indian women in general, particularly with such crass examples as you did.
Beauty and taste are certainly in the eye of the beholder, I agree to that.
And yes, the poster probably did go overboard with his endless "Chick A Vs Chick B" posts, threads and polls.
But he was (and is), no less annoying than the myriad threads about "how big is your dick" and "how many women have you fucked" and "who made you cum tonight" and so on and so forth.
You created a thread, with a direct reference mocking another poster; with a generalized statement denigrating an entire segment of human population to boot. This has nothing to do with me, my "sense of humor" (or the supposed/assumed high standards ... or lack there off).
Live and let live, is all I say.
- R