where are those girls?

Our records show that Tawnee Stone is retired which means she is no longer working in her listed profession.

Tawnee Stone-1-tits.jpg

Our records show that Shae Summers is retired which means she is no longer working in her listed profession.


Our records show that Shawna Lenee is currently active which means she is still making videos and/or performing in live cam shows.


Seems like she’s entertaining requests on OnlyFans.

Shawna-Lenee-5b-Twitter-she's on OF-crpd.JPG

BTW – she is “featured” in the Pornstar Harem adult-themed game (it is free to register / play):

pic-3-screencapture-pornstarharem-Harem Girls page-Angel aka Shawna Lenee-70Pcnt.PNG
Katrina Jade is the other woman in the Shae Summers pic above. Just adding that for the sake of completion.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Katrina Jade is the other woman in the Shae Summers pic above. Just adding that for the sake of completion.
Completion? Noh, ya never finish.
It's just quick and done.
