When Geraldo Rivera was still Hispanic...

Some of you may recall a good few years ago when Geraldo still espoused views sympathetic to migrant groups, minorities and those who tried to better their lot.

Then I suppose he got his green card and joined Fox News. And suddenly he acts like Gerald Rivers and supports the wars, supports border fascism, supports letting the poor suffer.

When I watch The Factor [for comedy value & to see if Bill O will finally die] it pains me to see him front like he does now.



what the fuck you lookin at?
money changes people.
I don't currently get Fox News but in the last year, he's certainly been on The Factor, defending migrant rights, loudly.
I wonder if he's sincere about defending the rights of undocumented immigrants or if he's just pretending to support immigration rights in order to pander to Hispanics in order to increase viewership by them for the NeoCunt Fascists he works for at Fox News.
When exactly did he change?

I remember in 2003 or 2004 Geraldo was "embedded" with one of the mechanized units on his way to Bagdad and he was live on camera and he drew a map in the sand of where he and his column were and where they were going.

I remember the Military Brass were angry at him and ordered him to leave the Middle East because they felt Geraldo was "aiding the enemy.":rolleyes:

I think Geraldo lost his marbles after that. Obviously he was not aiding the enemy...but I think he realized he's spent his career being a *fairly* serious journalist and in one instance, all the effort he spent in building himself as a serious journalist went up in smoke...:dunno:
^ He use to be credible before that incident happened. After that he sold out and he pissed me off when he flipped off a bunch of 9/11 Truth Seekers who were taking to the streets protesting the government's lack of credible investigation into the events surrounding 9/11

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I never liked him. But I thought his Epic Fail, when he opened Al Capone's (completely empty) vault, was one of the funniest moments in TV history.

Weeks of buildup and a live TV show just to see... an empty fuckin' room! :rofl:
Didn't some "pro" wrestler punch him in the face once, too???


Hiliary 2020
actually it was a fat dude in a flannel shirt from the aryan brotherhood.
I guess thats what happens when one guest begins to strangle another on a talk show.


Hiliary 2020
And hes actually jewish.I saw him once in navesink nj, where he lives, sitting on the curb outside my aunts flower shop.
just sittin on the curb


Closed Account
Didn't some "pro" wrestler punch him in the face once, too???

John Stossel(has a thick mustache also) was slapped by a wrestler & successfully sued the WWF afterwards.

Geraldo is one of the few people on Foxnews(maybe Shephard Smith) that I can watch without wanting to puke/punch the television set.