what's the deal with chicks nowdays?

they can't ever shut up. always talking on the cellphone or text messaging. the iphone is in their hands at all times. guys do it too but not nearly as much. whenever i'm driving behind somebody who is going slow or weaving, 9 times out of 10 their on the phone or texting. i bet 90% of those texts are really inane bullshit like "lkr? omg. lol". i can't believe it's not illegal to text while driving everywhere. yak yak yak
Don't blame them. Due to an anatomical anomaly, women's cardiac muscles cannot contract by themselves but must rather be propelled through external stimuli from the vocal cords. The more women yap, the more regular their heartbeat. Without all that mindless talk, vital body functions would collapse and they'd eventually die after less than three minutes.

Hope that helps
Blame it on Obama!
I think you can blame it on pro-lifers, gays, feminists, Nostradamus, Al Qaeda, and Ross Perot's failed attempt to become president.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I blame it on Black people, Volkswagen, the Metric System, and the price of tea in China.
What's the deal with guys coming on here and bitching about women? Or the race of women for some. On a site where women are naked, no less. This is a classy, high end website! Not a gutter bar with lot lizards!
I say you go on a killing spree. It'll be fun, trust me.

The women are laughing at you, aren't they? They remind you of your abusive mother and bitch of an ex-wife who wouldn't pretend to be dead when you fucked. Why not pay both of those two bitches back?

C'mon you'll love it.... you seem the type.


Lord Dipstick
I blame it on all these Gamer Geeks :dunno:
What's the deal with guys coming on here and bitching about women? Or the race of women for some. On a site where women are naked, no less. This is a classy, high end website! Not a gutter bar with lot lizards!

classy porn site? this is the freeones talk board where u talk about anything u want to