What's more important for attractiveness? Face or body?

In essence, would you generally be more inclined to sleep with someone with an average body but gorgeous face, or someone with a perfect body but average face?

Does it matter? Do they both have the same bearing on how attracted you are to someone, personally
Ok. Thanks to internet timeout I cannot post the poll :( Says I can only post the poll within 5 minutes of opening the thread. I'm sorry. The choices would've been:

1) Mostly attracted to a pretty face.
2) More attracted to a pretty face, but also like a good body
3) Mostly attracted to a good body.
4) More attracted to a good body, but also like a pretty face.
5) I don't prefer one over the other / Other.

But just speak your minds then :D


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I need a pretty face, a tad bit of meat on the woman's bones and I am happy.
Body...not so pretty chicks get a pass on the face when the have an awesome body. (Obviously to a degree :o )
I like them butt-ass ugly with a killer bangin' body. That way they really appreciate the attention you give her cause she doesn't get that much.....chances of getting cock blocked by other guys in non existent......my favorite position is hitting it doggy style which works out perfectly in this case:sex:......and you bang them good at they will worship you for the cock wielding god that you are!!!:bowdown:

BTW contrary to what You Might have heard..sheep never tell the truth....sheep lie!!!


Body...not so pretty chicks get a pass on the face when the have an awesome body. (Obviously to a degree :o )

:anonymous +


yep! :cool:
When it comes to girls I'm Mostly attracted to a pretty face, but also like a good body.

With guys I'm not so picky but no butt ass ugly guys either.


^ :nono:

Actually that was inconsiderate and insensitive of me to post the former, for all I know she could be a :flame: victim and here I am cozily sitting in front of my computer, cat in my lap . . eating Cheetos . . sippin' a cranberry / cherry cocktail without a care in the world . . .

It's nice to have at least a slightly nice face, but the body has more often been a deal breaker for me than the face. I don't have a problem with a plain looking girl if she has the kind of body I like. If she doesn't have the body, her face could be a 10+ and I still wouldn't be interested.
Most important is well-shaped skull. A woman with a criminal skull has no chance with me. I have my craniometer always at the ready, ladies!
It don't matter. As long as I can fuck her face to face, I'm good. Perfect body all the way, I only have to be attracted to her not star struck over beauty. BOOTY OVER BEAUTY!!!!!


What if she was cute, albeit, underneath a bunch of raspy crank (meth) sores . . . would ya still jum 'em bones? :1orglaugh :rofl:

J/K :clown: