What would you ask


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Explain how omniscience and omnipotence can be present at the same time in the same being.
Assari asks for questions for Jesus. Assari answers the questions. Therefore Assari is Jesus. Get with the program.

Jesus do not take part in online discussion.

He uses different methods when he wants to contact us.

Are you saying Jesus and God don't shoot the shit??

You can be sure that Jesus and God do not tell jokes.

Explain how omniscience and omnipotence can be present at the same time in the same being.

I would also like to know the answer to that.

I would ask when he's going to come back and finish the hedges.

Jesus was a carpenter not a gardener.
You can be sure that Jesus and God do not tell jokes.

Who's joking? I refuse to believe Jesus has never turned around and said "Dad, why did you put balls on the outside? It makes no sense. They should be inside like ladies' ovaries, so they aren't an easy target."

Our religions are incompatible anyway, I'm a 7th Day Advent Hoppist.

1 Corinthians 13 : "Faith, hop and charity. And the greatest of these is hop."


My Brother!

I never suspected...

We will Hop for you at our Gathering tonight!
Praise God.

God separates.jpg


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I've just realized I've been looking at this the wrong way, thinking it was merely a potential chance to grill The Saviour for knowledge. There are far more important questions than some of the deep philosophical ones I see here.

if you could meet Jesus?

"My round, Jesus - bitter or lager?"
"Crisps or peanuts?"
"Have you got a spare quid for the quizzer? Millionaire or Deal Or No Deal?"
"Is this a proper night out, or have you got to be up early in the morning?"
"If those birds ask how we know each other, what shall I say you do for a living?"
"Anything you want on the jukey? Bit of Leonard Cohen again?"


My Brother!

I never suspected...

We will Hop for you at our Gathering tonight!
Praise God.

The hell they don't! How else do you explain the platypus?

I've just realized I've been looking at this the wrong way, thinking it was merely a potential chance to grill The Saviour for knowledge. There are far more important questions than some of the deep philosophical ones I see here.

"But these people scoff at things they do not understand.
Like unthinking animals, they do whatever their instincts tell them,
and so they bring about their own destruction."

(Jude 1:10)
When do you fix those holes in your feet?
I'd ask: "Why did god allow for the birth of talentless fucks on this planet who don't want to do anything?"

... or "What do I have to do so that your father can get me the fuck outta here today?"