PirateKing █▀█▀█ █ █ Mar 20, 2012 #2 "Kill himself" seems to be the consensus.
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Mar 20, 2012 #3 I vote for eating a half of cantelope with cottage cheese in the scooped out center.
Johan Mar 20, 2012 #4 lurkingdirk said: Well? Click to expand... Same as everyday : Be the dirtiest gay gogolo ever !
BCT Pucker Up Butter Cup. Mar 20, 2012 #5 Should have made smoking weed with children an option, kids say the darndest things when they're high
Should have made smoking weed with children an option, kids say the darndest things when they're high
PlasmaTwa2 The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement Mar 20, 2012 #8 It goes without saying, but he should attempt to die with his ass up in the air, uncovered and ready for quick post-mortem penis insertion.
It goes without saying, but he should attempt to die with his ass up in the air, uncovered and ready for quick post-mortem penis insertion.
StanScratch My Penis Is Dancing! Mar 20, 2012 #9 He should have sex with some random closet homosexual named Sam from Colorado.
Red Spyder Mar 20, 2012 #12 He should eat a tube full of Mentos and wash it down with a 3 litter bottle of diet coke
L lurkingdirk Mar 21, 2012 #16 STDiva said: My butthole hurts whenever I smoke weed. Click to expand... It's the children you're killing. wat?
STDiva said: My butthole hurts whenever I smoke weed. Click to expand... It's the children you're killing. wat?
Red Spyder Mar 21, 2012 #17 STDiva said: My butthole hurts whenever I smoke weed. Click to expand... This is probably why..... :tongue:
STDiva said: My butthole hurts whenever I smoke weed. Click to expand... This is probably why..... :tongue:
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Mar 21, 2012 #20 Smoke weed, then watch the wizard of Oz and finally listen to The Darkside of The Moon.