What sex position girls like most

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
well? as far as i'm concerned most popular position is doggy...according to my lifetime poll I've made asking my girlfriends;))

So you haven't really asked anybody yet have you, virgin?
I think the position with which the ladies seem to have enjoyed the most is called "Flying Coin Insertion."

I can't describe it here. It requires diagrams and motions to fully understand. Though Feller has a way with words, perhaps you could ask him. I, uh, demonstrated how it would work to/for him.
The French Spatula :thumbsup:

It's basically a Dutch Oven, with a hell of a turkey baster finish. Those French know how to please a woman....
I've always liked the shut the hell up and get back in the kitchen and make dinner position.

That's really kinky if you know how to do it right :cool:


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Voltaire's angry glove.

Not really a sexual position, more of a lifestyle.

Amirite? :nanner:

God damn, that is nasty. I never should of looked it up.:rofl: